To start, you have to find a skin you like! Since you all love the god damn Deagle so much, I'll use that for an example.
I would suggest using models from Counter Strike: Source, since that is what TTT uses for its guns by default.
I will use an example from: I like this one. 
After you download, unzip the materials and models folder. You will not need the sound, scripts, LUA, readme.txt, etc.
You will unzip the two folders to your garrysmod/garrysmod folder. When it asks to merge, you want to select "Yes".
Since these ones are CS:S skins, they will work for you wherever a CS:S Deagle appears in Garrys Mod (such as TTT). This is all you have to do for that.
Most, but not all, simple retexture skins will not have a models folder. This is ok.
How To Skin