Author Topic: Your TTT skin guide!  (Read 93 times)

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Your TTT skin guide!
« on: January 20, 2013, 08:39:48 PM »
Since I've been working on a couple new things for TTT, I decided it would be cool to offer you a few new options for skins! Since we can't add everything into the game (but dammit I can try), I'll provide a bit of basic instruction, and a list of the current weapons so you can put skins for those weapons.

Please Note: Skins may cause ironsights to appear incorrectly. There is NO FIXING THIS for TTT, since the server handles ironsight location. That is a downside to having your skins.

Spoiler: Simple Skins (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Skins V2 (click to show/hide)

All models will be extracted to this location:
They are usually set up that way when downloaded as CS:S skins.

All materials MUST also be extracted and placed in the correct location. Each skin differs, but is usually:
You will get pink and black checker print when your textures are not in the correct location. If you aren't sure, check the readme.txt that comes with the skin.

Unless otherwise specified, w_models will be the same as the v_models. Ex, v_rif_ak47.mdl world model name is w_rif_ak47.mdl

Items marked with * are custom server weapons, not CS:S default. These may have to be overwritten in your models folder to work properly.

WeaponModel Name
Barrett *models/weapons/v_mohc_awp.mdl
M14 *models/weapons/v_rif_ak42.mdl
Shotgun (M1014)models/weapons/v_shot_xm1014.mdl
M3 (pump shotgun)models/weapons/v_shot_m3super90.mdl
Winchester *models/weapons/v_winchester1873.mdl
Flare Gunmodels/weapons/v_357.mdl
Health Stationmodels/props/cs_office/microwave.mdl
Newton Launchermodels/weapons/v_superphyscannon.mdl  |  /w_physics.mdl
Traitor Radiomodels/props/cs_office/radio.mdl
Smoke Grenademodels/weapons/v_eq_smokegrenade.mdl
UMP Prototypemodels/weapons/v_smg_ump45.mdl
Incendiary Grenademodels/weapons/v_eq_flashbang.mdl
Silenced Pistolmodels/weapons/v_pist_usp.mdl