It doesn't just punish retards though, it punishes people who don't act retarded - an those who kill RDMers, it was simply a bit too retarded. Note now how people who excessively RDM STILL get their karma fucked hard - case in point, this one on last night - forgot who ATM - who migrated here after being banned from NeXuS for being an RDMing fuckfag. [which I only know since I was there when he got banned here, and here when he was RDMing,then left.].
"It doesn't just punish retards though, it punishes people who don't act retarded - an those who kill RDMers, it was simply a bit too retarded. " But this one also seems a bit retarded.
Last night, I got RDMed 1 or 2 times (different people and I believe 1 of them was first blood to) they lost like 50 karma each.
And I killed an inno and I lost like 100+ (and I'm pretty sure he even killed an inno/hurt an inno). And I already see that people are becoming a lot less cautious when killing people because karma isn't as harsh anymore...
I(and others) miss the harsh karma because it encouraged people to not shoot first and ask questions later. :p
(and now 1000 karma isn't special anymore
