Nickname: Cheesey Sandwich
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:4452306
Favorite Interests: Games, working On Volkswagens
Favorite Servers: Flood, TTT
Time Online: 3-4 hours a day, MST 3:00
Age: 16
Location: Arizona
Languages I Speak: English
Occupation: Student/Vw tech
Education: half of High School, basic Computer knowledge..
Other games I play: GTA 4, Pac-man
Hello, my name is Cheesey Sandwich, I ahve been Playing on the rNd servers for about 5 months now, my favorite server is the TTT. the server is really cool becuase of the people that are usually on there. I would really liek to get Regular so i can use tools in the Build servers, and because im in the server pretty much everyday.
thanks for Reading guys!