Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
SirSmKsAloT's Regular Application 8/21/2012
--- Quote from: memo3300 on August 21, 2012, 04:59:42 PM ---
2 corrupt admins?
got you banned?
real vote?
First, deacon and I aren't admins, deacon have been VIP but nothing more, and I'm just a regular.
Second, you got yourself banned by all the stuff you did, and it wasn't just 1 time...
Finally, everyone here can post his opinion in your application, we are asked to do this so admins can see what the community thinks about people, so yeah i believe admins doesn't count votes but read opinions.
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oh i know, i was just stating so far we got one -1 and some spamm from your "Deacon"
and i didn't do anything wrong, i was wrongfully accused by deacon and some other kid. im not arguing about it, its been over for a year. if u have a grudge, call a counselor.
?are you kidding me? I was born september 1991 do the math, im 20 years old.
"at 2011 you were 21.<-NO
-your birthday is in september, we're in august."
right so i wouldn't be 21 i'd be 20... its basic bro..
i found your mistake
"at 1992 you were 1.
at 1993 you were 2.
at 1994 you were 3.
at 1995 you were 4.
at 1996 you were 5.
at 1997 you were 7."
wheres the six?? i skipped turning six years old?
--- Quote ---and i didn't do anything wrong, i was wrongfully accused by deacon and some other kid. im not arguing about it, its been over for a year. if u have a grudge, call a counselor.
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>Implying they're holding a grudge and aren't judging you based on how you act
Just by seeing your attitude in this thread you aren't ready for regular.
Lord help us if he ever gets PewPew
Showing how your grammar is next to nothing and attitude towards people, you are not very well educated 20 or 21 year old or possibly a liar. Judging by the reactions currently its a -1
--- Quote from: TehHank on August 21, 2012, 05:19:20 PM ---Showing how your grammar is next to nothing and attitude towards people, you are not very well educated 20 or 21 year old or possibly a liar. Judging by the reactions currently its a -1
--- End quote ---
my reactions look whats hes accusing me of over his simple mistake?
i dont even want to be a part of this server honestly. (too crooked for me)
i just want my dupes back.
whats wrong with my grammer anyhow?
> ??? ???
> use of self esteem damaging words
> great way of improving your regular application
> Like as if your friends with everyone, seeing that the people in this community are currently negative towards you
You need to really improve your attitude to people. Even to people you hold a grudge.
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