Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

SirSmKsAloT's Regular Application 8/21/2012

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--- Quote from: joshfroh on August 21, 2012, 05:23:36 PM ---my reactions look whats hes accusing me of over his simple mistake?

i dont even want to be a part of this server honestly. (too crooked for me)

i just want my dupes back.

whats wrong with my grammer anyhow?

--- End quote ---

Then get out

You can remake anything you built unless you stole other people's work.

Grammar *, and you don't use proper punctuation, correct spelling, and generally horrible grammar.


--- Quote from: Lavenchie on August 21, 2012, 05:28:47 PM ---Then get out

You can remake anything you built unless you stole other people's work.Grammar *, and you don't use proper punctuation, correct spelling, and generally horrible grammar.

--- End quote ---


all of this and im disrespectful ?? LMAOOO w/e nerds..

seriously the oldest person involved in this is probably like 14 years old or something, or the owner let his kids take over LOL.. its so hilarious.

and no i made all my own shit, but its all locked becuase i lost regular due to some other nerds.

i dont use generally horrible grammer? <<<<<---say what?
im pretty sure i havent spelled anything wrong, but if you'd like to comb through you can , and let me know buddy. im going to play a real game on a real server, LMAOO



--- Quote from: joshfroh on August 21, 2012, 05:36:12 PM ---im going to play a real game on a real server, LMAOO

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--- Quote from: Lavenchie on August 21, 2012, 05:28:47 PM ---Then get out
--- End quote ---

The logout button is at the top.


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