Nickname: Fat_Kazekage
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20903609
Favorite Interests: Gaming, Anime/Manga, Sports and Earning money!

Favorite Servers: rANdOm main and second TTT Server.
Time Online: Usually online from 8pm to 11pm in weekdays and Frequently in weekends and Holidays (UTC+1)
Age: 16 (almost 17)
Location: Denmark
Languages I Speak: Danish, English (and a little Norwegian/Swedish/Deutch)
Occupation: Starting on my second year in gym.
Education: Math, im studying math and economy.. And probably want to lead my Mom and dads firm one day, which is an Accountant firm.
Other games I play: Prototype 2, Assasins creed, Battlefield 3...
Hi, my name is Fat_Kazekage(some call me steve, dunno why) and I simply love your servers! I really enjoy playing and i think my parents are starting to get a bit
concerned about me and how much i sleep since i met rANdOm TTT Servers.
I really want regular to use the tools in Wire Build but also to be recognized for my regular attendance on the servers!
Thanks for reading and I hope you consider my application.

Links about me:
Facebook - Steam - to see you guys online, you know where to find me