Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Kaitan's Unban Request

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1. Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:7274210

2. Players Nickname: Kaitan

3. Your in-game name: x (I was using an invisible character)

4. Server name: TTT

5. Description of the event(s): I joined, and was immediately banned, I know this was an automated system, but I didn't know not to use blank characters/names.

6. Reason for appeal: I had changed my name earlier, and didn't know that it was not allowed to have blank/one-character names.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s):

8. Link to sourceban page: For some reason, it's not showing up on there, but I showed the screenshot.

So what's your excuse for using a blank name?

Well, it wasn't a full blank name. I didn't think there was anything wrong with just having 'x'. I normally play as 'Kaitan', but I either forgot, or didn't think I would be banned.

He probably had the percentages in his name ( % % x % %) to simulate spaces since Steam automatically deletes spacebar spaces in-game. On the normal servers, percentages auto-ban right?

Also, if he was a hacker/troll, I doubt he would even take the first step and try to get unbanned when he hadn't even played the server yet.

I wasn't using the % % %, I was using a different character that acts as a tiny space. But anyways, even though my name was x, it is only slightly harder to ban/punish me if I WAS doing something. I've played on the Random TTT before, and I love it, and I wouldn't ruin my chances of playing on it purposely.


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