Nickname: Hideo(on steam)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:32769881
Favorite Interests: Games, TTT, sleeping, TTT, movies with friends, TTT
Favorite Servers: TTT

Time Online: Anywhere from 10:00am to 4:00am PST (insomniac)
I was REG on temp server so just resigning up for real server. I play TTT a lot and stuff. So yea.
Signing up for REG so I can sign up for VIP when it's open again. So stay tuned for that.

Will have more details and stuff.
Age: 19
Location: California
Languages I Speak: English(barely)
Occupation: None. ;_;
Education: In college going for programming degree. I think. Maybe.
Some stuff I don't like: Stupid people, and liars.
Other games I play: Besides TTT? Um... Dark Souls, CAWL OF DOODY(all my friends play sadly), the Ass Creed series(even though it sucks) R&C series, loads of games really.