Author Topic: [PLEASE READ] Regular Promotions  (Read 605 times)

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[PLEASE READ] Regular Promotions
« on: July 29, 2012, 03:53:40 PM »
Update: To make application processing smoother please include the date in your application title (the Subject of your post) Example:
Subject: YOUR NAME's Regular Application: DD/MM/YYYY
Subject: coolzeldad's Regular Application: 14/03/2013

Hello! I made this to help people become familiar with the regular application process and help them make their own applications.

While applications aren't necessarily super strict, these applications give everyone a better idea of who you are and why you want to be more apart of the community.

Feel free to copy and edit the sample application below, but the main points should still be there.

Applications that do not follow the guidelines of the sample application will be denied without reply, so just do it right the first time! :)

If you get approved for regular, make sure to ask one of our admins in the servers to promote you - please be prepared to supply the link to your approved application!

If you would like a rNd group invite, then please message me (steam profile coolzeldad). Just add me to your friends list and ask for an invite - also have your approved app link ready.

Just remember, the closer you follow along with the procedure the quicker you are to being promoted! :3

Many of our admins are super busy all the time so it might take awhile for your application to get looked at, but a couple weeks should give us enough time to get to yours! If not please be patient, thank you. :)

Sample Application: ( Please copy and paste this into your own application! )

Nickname: coolzeldad
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:13242521
Favorite Interests: Games, hiking, long walks on the beach, ddos
Favorite Servers: Wire Build, Zombie Survival, Fretta
Time Online: Usually online from 1pm to 11pm (PST)

/* Optional - Feel free to add your own! :)
Age: 13
Location: Russia
Languages I Speak: Chinese
Occupation: I make sandwiches :3
Education: Masters in sandwich making, bachelors in ddosing, and some highskewl. Favorite subject was video games
Some stuff I don't like: Ruined sandwiches.. and mosquitoes!
Other games I play: gta 4 - i like the bowling

Hello, my name is coolzeldad and I run the game servers! I really enjoy hosting the servers.

I really want regular to use the tools in Wire Build but also to be recognized for my regular attendance on the servers!

Thanks for reading and I hope you consider my application. :)

Links about me:
My introduction thread -
My Steam -

« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 05:38:33 PM by coolzeldad »
▲▲Big thanks to Marie for this awesome sprite! :3

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Thanks gamefreak!

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