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Hypothetical rNd nation.

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He's right, snivy.
Bugout bags are alot more common than you'd think.

The idea is to GTFO, NOW. If anything happened which would require that.

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--- Quote from: Frank on July 19, 2012, 12:15:23 AM ---Install a theocracy. Anarchist monarchy. Yeah.
 That's cool.

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--- Quote from: Rocket50 on July 19, 2012, 03:24:38 AM ---Oh god. RND nation.

Anarchy within two weeks.

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--- Quote from: semy32 on July 19, 2012, 03:48:57 AM ---I'd suggest marxism (communism) until we are populated enough.

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I'd Paint or something. Maybe an Architect when building shelters/whatever. Flags for either confidence or pride or warding off/intimidating intruders/shits and giggles... Symbols should the rNd nation start using their own language or something.

Assembling small, crude tools for use in nation.

Whatever anything has/would have to do with colours and spatial sense, I could make myself useful in that area. Even digging graves/irrigation channels.

I could even plant plants and garden or something I don't know

Unit's Inventory:
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--- Quote --- Large Orange Backpack that is older than myself

Several Novels that have some gravity (Blind Assassin, 1984, The Time Machine, The Shadow of the Wind, Blade Runner, Cat's Cradle, Number9dream, Cloud Atlas, etc)

A very ratty version of "History of Invention, Revised Edition: From Stone Axes to Silicon Chips" sitting in my bookshelf not being touched ever

Several Wikipedia printouts on how to go from Eating Raw Meat to Pasteurizing Milk and Immunizing Yourself courtesy of 7 minutes and Firefox tabs

Dream book (because I need that as well)

"Panasonic 5-way Oscillation" Fan (I'm pretty sure if you stuck some of the people in rNd on an island, one group would be creative and practical enough to be able to take this thing apart and turn it into some spring-powered fan and/or tiny wind turbine or something)

Aerosol Deodorant Assortment (If someone brings a lighter, possibilities are endless. Like scaring away Animals, or starting a fire without patience and burning wood really fast. Or setting someone on fire. Plus, we don't have to worry about CFCs since there's been a global reset and I doubt anyone in rNd (Except maybe a handful) would have the knowledge and practice of opening a pressurized can and refilling it with any liquid, and then magically closing it back up again without any practical hardware tools)


A few articles of old clothing (possibilities endless)

3 Plastic bags

A Digital Clock instead of an Analogue watch (Unless I find a really nice Analogue Clock that can be wound easily and take some beatings, which won't happen)

And maybe the assortment of plastic bottles lying around my room because I'm too lazy to throw them away

And if this is a stereotypical island with a stereotypical island climate, then I'm not bringing my iHeater 4S PC, irregardless if Tiger Guy decides to go and hug a hydro station.

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10 minutes?

-Guitar (acoustic)
-Survival Book
-Sleeping bag
-A duffel bag full of canned food and water bottles.


--- Quote from: Ἆxule on July 19, 2012, 02:38:21 PM ---the only real problem is figuring out how to purify the ocean water and remove all the salt.

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1. Dig a hole in the sand by the shore until you hit water.
2. Put a bowl or other container in the middle of the hole.
3. Place plastic wrap or similar material over the entire hole sealed by sand over the edges.
4. Put a small object on top of the wrap to weigh it in a downward angle at the bowl.
5. The seawater evaporates, forming pure water on the plastic wrap.
6. The now fresh water then slides along the underside of the plastic until it reaches the middle, dropping into the bowl below.


--- Quote from: Tezuni on July 20, 2012, 12:49:46 PM ---1. Dig a hole in the sand by the shore until you hit water.
2. Put a bowl or other container in the middle of the hole.
3. Place plastic wrap or similar material over the entire hole sealed by sand over the edges.
4. Put a small object on top of the wrap to weigh it in a downward angle at the bowl.
5. The seawater evaporates, forming pure water on the plastic wrap.
6. The now fresh water then slides along the underside of the plastic until it reaches the middle, dropping into the bowl below.

--- End quote ---

You do realize how painfully slow of a process that is and the number of people that will be supported by that. A better way is to just boil the water and collect the steam, same process but faster.


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