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Hypothetical rNd nation.

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Also, add a magnesium fire starter.

Honestly I'd just look for shit to do like cutting trees or something, wouldn't really like to get involved with all that political shit.


--- Quote from: Hotgreensoldier on July 23, 2012, 01:33:13 PM ---Also, add a magnesium fire starter.

Honestly I'd just look for shit to do like cutting trees or something, wouldn't really like to get involved with all that political shit.

--- End quote ---

I'd join you.

Real life League of Legends should ensue.


--- Quote from: Cake ecaF on July 22, 2012, 06:58:48 PM ---Would this shit work?

--- End quote ---

That's where rocket50's magical 0.22µm pore size filter comes along, since the standard is like, 0.44, most micro organisms shouldnt pass through


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