Author Topic: So today on the train  (Read 116 times)

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Offline Astropilot

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So today on the train
« on: July 07, 2012, 05:02:59 PM »
When I got on, everything was perfectly normal. Or so it would seem to be. Few stops later I saw a guy dressed up as Edward Scissor-hands. Yes. A normal day in public transportation. When I was heading home there was a long 20 minute delay. I was tired as hell by then, but there was hardly any place for me to put my head back and sleep. After the train went to the next station some guy had a seizure (at least it's what I heard someone said). Not only that, the train stopped while it was a quarter way in the station. So we used the emergency contact button. The conductor kept on repeating "Does the person need medical attention". She kept on saying it until everyone on my side on the train yelled out "YES!" Immediatly the train went completely into the station where it stood there for 10 minutes. Then I had a baby kicking my legs the rest of the way to where I got off.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2012, 05:05:18 PM by Astropilot »


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Offline Alkaline

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Re: So today on the train
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2012, 06:44:48 PM »
I haven't been on a train before but I did get to ride the DC Metro a couple of times. I thought it was a cool experience with the large swarms of people moving and you only have about fifteen seconds to enter/leave but you always had enough time. The people in DC are nice too, or at least no one would stare me down like a psycho.

Although, I do remember once on the DC Metro, like three hookers had a baby that kept crying and some short guy in a flannel shirt would yell, "YOU COULD BE TRYING HARDER!", at them. I was so tired when that was going on that I literally got off and entered a different subway car. Does anyone else have any public transportation experiences?
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Will Reed's will will read "Will Reed will read Will Reed's will"

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Re: So today on the train
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2012, 07:55:21 PM »
Lol, wish you would've recorded it all.  I rode a train and then a subway both for the first time a couple days ago. 

Offline semy32

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Re: So today on the train
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 01:54:14 AM »
So trains are only peaceful in Hungary?

I've never experienced something like that. People keep distance from each other here.

I mean, once or twice someone got sick and needed medical help but that was it for me.

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Re: So today on the train
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2012, 02:21:31 AM »
Any of you see the occasional Stormtrooper?

Offline Dale Feles

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Re: So today on the train
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2012, 10:40:23 AM »
The few times I took Viarail (a train company)l to go to Montreal/Toronto nothing happened. It's actually quite peaceful and relaxing just looking outside.

Thank you Marie for the sprite.