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Have a suggestion for the rules? Maybe a modificaiton?

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--- Quote from: Shockah on July 14, 2012, 11:36:14 PM ---18. Claiming rooms, territory, etc. is not allowed
I really think this should be expanded upon. Many a time I've said I'd shoot someone for entering a space I was in but not until it gets down to about 3 or less players and I'm really not certain of the T. I would never "claim" with any more than 5 players I'm just curious as to what your definition of claiming is. When the game gets low on players killing those coming into your space tends to be a really smart move, most players wouldn't rush someone threatening to kill them if they get any closer without the intention of killing said person which would typically imply they're a T and I find killing them to be a pretty logical decision.

12. Killing a person if he refuses to go into a traitor tester is allowed, but will simply count as regular RDM
RDM by definition is Random Death Match meaning no reason whatsoever but typically taken as no reason to suggest the person's T so there's kind of a flaw there. A) It's not random it's for a reason B) It's a pretty good reason to kill someone even though there are those out there, like myself, who refuse to be tested.

3. Traitors must get first blood. Killing as an innocent before any body is found is bad and is not allowed
Please changes this to something along the lines of "Traitors must take first action, a kill made upon a traitor before anything incriminating has been committed will count as First Blood RDM and is punishable." because as is even though common sense tells most of us otherwise, killing a traitor if he pulls a knife on you in the first 30 seconds of the round isn't allowed, killing a traitor because you watched him plant c4 when no one was dead also not allowed, etc.

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Your overly literal interpretation of the rules is undue.


--- Quote from: Shockah on July 14, 2012, 11:36:14 PM ---because as is even though common sense tells most of us otherwise, killing a traitor if he pulls a knife on you in the first 30 seconds of the round isn't allowed, killing a traitor because you watched him plant c4 when no one was dead also not allowed, etc.

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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Please, please be joking.


--- Quote from: ursus on July 15, 2012, 12:43:27 AM ---Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Please, please be joking.

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Believe me I know most of you haven't exactly been overly active on ttt in a while, that's the shit I had to deal with 24/7 on temp. Though yes, I was exaggerating to an extreme, that being said that's literally how some people take the rules is how they're written. I'd rather simply have the wording changed which takes little to no effort then have to sift through every complaint of "RMD!". I'm not asking for a change of the rules just wording so that it actually fits what is and isn't punishable .-.


--- Quote from: Shockah on July 14, 2012, 11:36:14 PM ---3. Traitors must get first blood. Killing as an innocent before any body is found is bad and is not allowed
Please changes this to something along the lines of "Traitors must take first action, a kill made upon a traitor before anything incriminating has been committed will count as First Blood RDM and is punishable." because as is even though common sense tells most of us otherwise, killing a traitor if he pulls a knife on you in the first 30 seconds of the round isn't allowed, killing a traitor because you watched him plant c4 when no one was dead also not allowed, etc.

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That is just very stupid.

So you are saying that we should just let them do anything until they kill someone with a knife in their hands? Really?


--- Quote from: Sabb on July 07, 2012, 01:26:31 PM ---
2. Pre-round prop kill is frowned upon, but not kickable unless committed multiple times

I don't generally allow pre-round prop killing and as far as I was aware no admin has really ever been okay with it. It disables players from preparing for the round, getting weapons, etc. Shouldn't be allowed period imo.
Right now the only way to prop kill is to hit another prop with the prop you're holding, unless prop pushing which is not allowed in all cases.

6. Map glitching (ie going somewhere textures are missing or nobody can possibly get to you) is not allowed

Map glitching is usually dealt with differently than that. As long as the player has not gained any advantage over other players to potentially uneven the fairness of the game, then I allow it as most other admins just so people can have a little fun. So I suggest somewhere saying that no rules are complete concrete and that players must listen to the admin in-game but may post complaints or suggestions if they disagree with what the admin is enforcing.
It was like this the whole time, people were just too lazy to update it.

7. Killing more than 4 innocents as an innocent or detective, OR, killing a single traitor as a traitor is kickable.

I usually ban after three in one round, as do most other admins as far as I'm aware. Still depends on the situation however. They're only banned if they're blatantly running around gunning down every person they can.
If they do that this it means that they would kill the whole server if they could so obviously it's a mass rdm even if he managed to kill 3. Killing 4 innocents or fellow T should also be allowed if it was self defense.

9. Carrying explosive barrels around people when Innocent or Detective and intentionally trying to get them killed by them is up to personal opinion of VIP/admin

I think this should simply be allowed as it's really just a part of the game. If the map implements things such as this that can be legitimately taken advantage of by players, then I don't see any problem with it. The only situation I don't allow this is when they whack the barrel against a dead body or something so that it blows up and results in no karma loss. Or prop pushing/trapping.
I guess as long as someone has to shoot the barrel it could be fine.

11. Killing with the bridge on crummycradle is frowned upon, but allowed

I think this should just be modified to say "Killing with props as a spectator is frowned upon, but allowed in all circumstances
Obviously it should and it has always been like this.

14. Killing other players in any way that does not effect your karma unless it is a map trap is not allowed

"unless it is a map trap or a spectator controlled prop"
Your modified 11th rule already includes prop killing as spectator.

16. Baiting other innocents into shooting you with an intent to make they karma go down is not allowed

Baiting has always been allowed to a degree. Running up and shooting someone in the toe to get them to kill you however, is not allowed. Shooting around players is, however. Though if it becomes a huge annoyance to players and is constantly done, then I usually tell them not to and may eventually give a short ban. I think that line should be adjusted to support that view more.
If someone is shooting around a group of players it isn't that bad but when that player shoots at someone once they are alone is retarded as fuck and I give warnings on that, if the player repeats it, I kick him.

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--- Quote from: Seb on July 14, 2012, 09:25:54 PM ---Why? Zombies can get through, it's just a matter of hitting enough to get rid of the nails.

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Indestructible props = indestructible nails. 

3. Traitors must get first blood. Killing as an innocent before any body is found is bad and is not allowed

should be more like

3. Traitors must do something(ie pull out a knife, plant c4, shoot or kill someone) before they can be suspected and killed.


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