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Want to remove a map? Please post why!

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--- Quote from: Deacon on August 30, 2012, 08:18:12 PM ---wait why crummy? sure it was voted for alot but i liked it

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Yeah we should re-add it


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on August 30, 2012, 08:34:11 PM ---depending on how community response goes, I'll probably add it back with the updated version in a week or so

--- End quote ---

ok, but make sure we use

because the standard b1 crashed all the time

when i mentioned it on the server some people said that crummy was a good map, and no one said otherwise.

Please update a variety of the maps on the server.  I mean, many maps we love, and love to hate, are outdated - some of the maps being updated to alleviate issues that people have.  For example, there is a later version of Peach's Castle with a platform under the roof teleport so you don't get hurt coming out of it, among other fixes.


--- Quote from: Travelsonic on August 31, 2012, 08:57:32 AM ---Please update a variety of the maps on the server.  I mean, many maps we love, and love to hate, are outdated - some of the maps being updated to alleviate issues that people have.  For example, there is a later version of Peach's Castle with a platform under the roof teleport so you don't get hurt coming out of it, among other fixes.

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I don't know if you see it but coolz is pretty busy ALL THE TIME.
Maybe if you helped him by making a list of maps that need updates, and the links to the downloads, he would be able to do that.

Otherwise, how is he supposed to know that? Go through his entire list of maps and google them?


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