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Want to remove a map? Please post why!

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--- Quote from: Yoshi on July 30, 2012, 11:54:56 AM ---I prefer the old crazycube since it's less griefy.

--- End quote ---
I don't prefer any form of cradle or crazy to be in our servers.

I think our players should be exploring the new, and far better maps that the official servers have to offer.


--- Quote from: Foofoojack on July 30, 2012, 11:57:07 AM ---I don't prefer any form of cradle or crazy to be in our servers.

I think our players should be exploring the new, and far better maps that the official servers have to offer.

--- End quote ---

Alright then, i don't mind.

Eion Kilant 739:

--- Quote from: Foofoojack on July 30, 2012, 11:57:07 AM ---I don't prefer any form of cradle or crazy to be in our servers.

I think our players should be exploring the new, and far better maps that the official servers have to offer.

--- End quote ---

Good point. I wouldn't mind not having crazy cubes up for a week or so just so that it encourages the players to play other maps.

While I'm at it, why don't we also make richlands, CS:S maps, and lost temple unavailable for a week? It would have its pros and cons, but it really forces players to try newer maps instead of the same old.

Of course after the planned time it really should include those maps, assuming this ever happens.

EDIT: you know this kind of thing deserves its own thread. I'm going to give it just that.

In the meantime, why don't you (the reader) go a few posts back and read about the updated crummy cradle (b1fix).

Sorry for the fragmented sentences, but I'm going to do a thorough review of zs maps that should definitely be removed.
Some of these maps are old and you can recall good memories from them, but please be honest and think about the maps I suggested gameplay-wise.

Map name: zs_feartower_final


Humans can sit at the top floor with a health station and unlimited pistol ammo. They can also cade off the windows and restrict all zombies to go through the main entrance of the top floor.

It's a griefer's paradise because zombies and humans push off their own teammates.

Since it takes about 30 seconds as zombie to walk from the top of the first tower to the top of the second tower, a zombie basically only has 3 lives per wave.

Humans can glitch cades on the top floor of the second tower and win.

Overall, a poorly made map (no offense to the creator, FBER.) It was fun, especially the first version, but it's still frustrating for players who don't want to play it.

Map name: zs_towerv2_daytime


Very small map.

Ammo crates and a health station.

Humans can cade and win by camping on the roof and cading the exit to the vent since no zombies spawn on the roof.

The large amounts of empty space around the building cause fps issues.

Map name: descent_v2


Laggy as hell because of the bottomless pit.

Humans die within 1 wave because they either fall for the deathtrap or they can't cade all 3 entrances that zombies can enter.

Lower floors don't open.

Map name: zs_zincoshine_v2


Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Very small map.

Nowhere to cade.

Map name: zs_uglyfort There is a version two but I'm not sure if it's on the server.


Nowhere to cade.

The map looks like garbage (it's the regular fort with random props scattered around, and new doorways and holes.)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
People fall in the pit because of the broken ladder.

Map name: zs_qunn_tunnel_v2


Weapons room with all ammo types and two health stations. If these were removed, the map will be good.

Map name: zs_humidity


Two cade kits, both of which are easily accessible to anyone who joins early.

Ammo crates for pistol and SMG.

There's an ultimate in the glass case under the counter, but it is inaccessible.

Map is 40MB and deters people from joining.

Poorly optimized (I didn't know what func_details were at the time.)

Map name: zs_forlorncity_v1e


People can enter the third floor of the building in the center of the map. This area is definitely unintended by the author since the insides are nodraw'd. The people inside of this floor can go down into the second floor where zombies can't reach them unless they went the same way. If this area was at least clipped off, the map would be great.

Map name: zs_cosmiclounge_final


Map is completely out of proportions.

Map is 50MB...

Invisible ramps in the cube room lead to a cade kit and grenade ammo crate.

Secret room with SMG ammo and difficult for zombies to enter and raid.

Total eyerape for people who don't know how to turn off HDR and color mod.

I put a big skybox around this map, so it is definitely unoptimized and causes some clients to crash.

Map name: zs_maze_v2


People constantly cade the teleporter. This map should be removed until the creator decides to put something to prevent this.

Bitches keep camping and cading at the pistol ammo teleporter and makes it impossible for zombies to even touch them.

Map name ttt_crazycubes_b3

ReasonHighly overplayed, spectators can ghost explosive barrels and can kill humans, Traitor room has too long of a open door time.

Map name dm_peaches_castle

ReasonTeleporter to top of the roof (cannon) does 10-30 Damage, You get stuck in grass if you're not careful (Advantage against a gun fight), One Stair to second floor going down has source map void.


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