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--- Quote from: aerobro on July 12, 2012, 09:11:53 AM ---Map Name: dm_richs_apt2 beta

Reason: It is the old version and it needs to be updated to dm_richland   

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I have to object, dm_Richland had crashing and lag problems.

Map name: zs_corruption_v3

reaon: I will upload a further updated version that is more optimised and more content

map: 1me_deathgarage_sse_v1_3

reason: There is a jeep, the ultimate, grenades, etc. if the human knows where all that is, zombies have no chance.


--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on July 12, 2012, 09:44:55 AM --- :book:I have to object, dm_Richland had crashing and lag problems.

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There is a notrap version


--- Quote from: aerobro on July 12, 2012, 09:11:53 AM ---Map Name: dm_richs_apt2 beta

Reason: It is the old version....

--- End quote ---

Yeah, we went to that one for a reason - the crashing, glitching, etc- and a map w/ no traps is just no fun, the traps don't need removal they just need to be fixed.


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