SteamID: STEAM_0:1:35850535
Player name: Batman
My Name: pryvisee
Server: TTT
Description: I got killed by a first blood RDMer.. Started a vote, got denied because Batman was afk. I waited till he got back, restarted the vote and told him that it was for "first blood rdm".. He replied back "I don't care because we were low on players" and voted no. There were 6 players on the server at that time so I just gave up. Then after that, I got traitor baited up the ass by Mr 47. I started another vote while we had 7 players. Again he declines it and says "Let it slide. We are low on players as it is".
Reason: This guy, in my mind, doesn't even deserve Regular. Who cares if we are "low" on players.. I would rather wait and play for fun then to get baited, or rdmed so it kills my karma.. I know Regular isn't that big of a deal, but when a Regular acts like this, I think he should be demoted. And I bet if this happened to him, and his karma was shit because of it, he probably would have told me to kick him.