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Deacon's:EDIT: 100th post w00t!
It would be cool if you would make me one too.Name in userbar: ProxTitle next to userbar: AdminGradient colors: Black and white.Render:Spoiler (click to show/hide)
That will not work as a render because there are no clear crisp edges against a blank background. It would be too hard to cut out. You have plenty of time to find a new pic though, I have a bunch of other requests to fill before you.
Name in userbar: TehHankTitle next to suerbar: VIPGradient colours: 990000 (Dark red)Render this please: http://lh3.ggpht.com/_9nMrhtp2a6I/S5l3a9dqFII/AAAAAAAAAYk/aTg-4_gI4vc/four-leaf_clover2.jpg And please if you can, make it a three leaf clover, more or so the same as this design http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/13/155489.jpg
I can't edit that lol. Lucky for you, that isn't a clover, its a club, and its a lot easier to find a red club than a red clover.TehHank's:
Hank is a greedy Englishman:
Time to update this again. Hideo's: