Creative Arts (Read Only) > Graphics

Crypto's Userbar Thread

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I feel like I should host these on the site o-o


--- Quote from: Ἆxule on August 12, 2012, 03:25:23 PM ---*Stands in long line*

Edit: If you could so kindly make one for me, I would like to have this as my image:

And just have the background similar to the colors in that picture. If you want me to downsize the picture for you, I can do that.

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What is it with people and reders that have a MILLION FUCKING LINES surrounding the focus? lol makes them a bitch to cut out. Also, are you saying you want one with a gradient that uses all those colors? :S I always start with a base gradient, in colze's case it was a black to white and I applied the color gradient from left to right last. Are you wanting a similar effect?


--- Quote from: Cryptokid on August 12, 2012, 10:24:32 PM ---What is it with people and reders that have a MILLION FUCKING LINES surrounding the focus? lol makes them a bitch to cut out. Also, are you saying you want one with a gradient that uses all those colors? :S I always start with a base gradient, in colze's case it was a black to white and I applied the color gradient from left to right last. Are you wanting a similar effect?

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If that's too difficult, then don't worry about it. I can just find another picture.

And yes, like Coolz's, but using only the colors that were with that picture.


--- Quote from: Ἆxule on August 12, 2012, 03:25:23 PM ---*Stands in long line*

Edit: If you could so kindly make one for me, I would like to have this as my image:

And just have the background similar to the colors in that picture. If you want me to downsize the picture for you, I can do that.

--- End quote ---

I came

if you can make me one with the image of a rugby ball from englad would be amazing. I would just love it.

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