Same here, I have another hour before I can get in. Almost as bad as the fucking LoL queue. I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT, I JUST WANT MY FUCKING VINTAGE GOGGLES FFFFF
9:38 PM - Siggy Sour: iunno what's going on on your end
9:39 PM - Siggy Sour: i don't even know why i'm playing tf2
9:40 PM - KHMarie: I am stuill trying to launch it
9:40 PM - KHMarie: I want my goggles
9:40 PM - Siggy Sour: what's the problem you're getting when you try to launch it?
9:41 PM - KHMarie: It used to say Steam error please try again or some shi
9:41 PM - KHMarie: and now it's just sayin Preparing to launch Team Fortress 2
9:41 PM - KHMarie: And once it said
9:41 PM - KHMarie: "The steam is under a lot of load, try again later"
9:42 PM - Siggy Sour: try exiting steam and relaunching it, derp
KHMarie is now Offline.
KHMarie is now Online.
9:47 PM - Siggy Sour: did it work?
9:47 PM - KHMarie: No.
9:47 PM - KHMarie: It says the steam serves are too busy
9:47 PM - KHMarie: ;-:
9:47 PM - Siggy Sour: too bad lol, not playing anymore
9:49 PM - Siggy Sour: a lot of people are having that problem so *shrug*
9:49 PM - KHMarie: I know
9:49 PM - Siggy Sour: maybe you can try
9:49 PM - Siggy Sour: being patient
9:50 PM - KHMarie: It said
9:50 PM - KHMarie: *Says
9:50 PM - KHMarie: it'll launch in 1 hour