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Hey there Sanders!I was just wondering if I could submit to you this VIP app I pulled out of my arse. I've seen scary amounts of traitor buddies killing each other recently and I was pensive when I realized that noone could votekick them.Anyway, here is my Application.-----------------------------------------------------NAME: Daniel Busby-----------------------------------------------------Screen Name/Steam Account:ItchyDani3l-----------------------------------------------------STEAM_ID:STEAM_0:0:10999465-----------------------------------------------------Age:16-----------------------------------------------------Experience:Well, I have experience being a VIP on the FaceWAN Gmod 9 build server (from a looong time ago) and also a respected user here on rAnDom before the change in classes. Also, I was an entry level admin on the SKG Hidden:Source Server. T'was fun while it lasted.-----------------------------------------------------Time with rAnDom:Hell if I know, but it's been a while. Almost a year I think. I can't really remember.-----------------------------------------------------References:DoeniDon, Frank, Espeon (FaceWAN founder and head administrator), other members of rAnDom such as:DeathWard, CakeFaic, and others whose names escape me at the the moment.-----------------------------------------------------What Would You Do as a VIP?I'm glad you asked! I would basically kick anyone breaking a minor rule (such as ghosting and other 'you dun goofed' rules), ban anyone that repeatedly breaks major rules (such as killing traitor buddies/detective unprovoked or obvious hacking), and basically make anyone being a dick feel extremely guilty.-----------------------------------------------------How would you improve the servers?Well, I would generally keep it minge-free while still being friendly to noobies who want to have fun here at RND.-----------------------------------------------------What Key leadership qualities do you bring to RND?Belief in second chances, Respect for all players, Unbiased Judgement, and good self control.-----------------------------------------------------What Hours are you on?Usually on weekends and definitely during the summer! (Post Script: I go to a school with a really heavy work load, so me not being on steam in excess of 1 month is not uncommon.)-----------------------------------------------------Where can I reach you?You can reach me either via my steam account OR at ItchyDani3l@yahoo.com-----------------------------------------------------Thank you for reading my application! I hope that whatever way you vote will be for the greater good of the RND community!