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Auto-banning system for getting rid of mingies???

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--- Quote from: tjreid99 on August 07, 2010, 08:21:01 PM ---oh yeah i'm newb to these forums, but HOW DO YOU GET THE RESPECTED APP!?

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You have to apply, however, respected applications are closed for the meantime. Just wait for a few more weeks.


Also, merge posts together using modifty post.
And how would you suggest such a lua is made? It's not as easy it may sound. Try describing what it does, then think of what has to be done for that to work.

How is that Lua supposed to detect minges? o.o


--- Quote from: Don on August 08, 2010, 10:11:16 AM ---How is that Lua supposed to detect minges? o.o

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This ^

Only humans can detect minges :/
Some people would think a certain person is a minge, other people would think "oh theyre ok".
Shits based on opinion.
Until the day Lua can express opinions and judgments then I don't see this happening, in my opinion.


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