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Sleep mode vs. Shutting down?

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Sleep mode is fine. It saves to your ram.
Be sure to fully shut it down once in awhile though.

As long as its not hibernate, stay away from that.
It saves to your hard drive so you don't lose "data" during a power failure.
Its slower and a waste of space.


--- Quote from: Peetah on June 11, 2012, 08:14:31 PM ---Sleep mode is fine. It saves to your ram.
Be sure to fully shut it down once in awhile though.

As long as its not hibernate, stay away from that.
It saves to your hard drive so you don't lose "data" during a power failure.
Its slower and a waste of space.

--- End quote ---

It's just me though. For some odd reason, my computer turns back on if it's in S1, or S2. Hibernate is the only state that my comp can stay off in.

Also, with Hibernating, everything is powered off and what was in the RAM is transferred on the hard drive which you can boot later. How is this bad? I've also only seen the file to be 2GB max.

Yeh tweak that abit.
I wouldn't say bad. It not bad at all.
Its just slower for sure.

Also, to fix the wake up problem,
Go to Devices and Printers.
Enter the Properties of your mouse.
Hardware tab and Double click HID-compliant mouse.
Power management tab.
Uncheck Allow this device to wake up computer.

Im assuming this cause the slightest movement would turn the computer back on.
You can do the same for keyboard, but pressing any key is convenient.

Well I can use Sleep mode if I need to use the computer later in the day and use Hibernate for longer term like overnight. Thank you all :)


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