Steam Nickname: Bag of Awesomeness / Bagasina12v2
SteamID: Urrrmm...STEAM_0:0:31235273 00:14 141 0 active )-- I think
Servers Which I Go On: Mostly Zs, TTT (even though I suck), Fretta, Build (plain) & Wire Build (rarely)
When You Shall See Me: Whenever I'm Bothered to get out of Bed but Usually 10am - 8...9..ish Pm (UTC)
Bout' me: I'm a social outcast that locks himself within his Bedroom Of a Basement and scowls at the touch of sun light. Just kidding.

Nah, Im a Civilised Teenager (Very Rare these days) with a Colourful Vocabulary that lives within Scotland, Edinburgh to be more accurate. I find it a habit to Capitalize most words Were it is Not needed and to Use Large Words When i can. I've been on RND servers for quite a while. Though it may seem like I've been on for 4 Weeks only, I used to have another steam account (Before I Changed my Password, Went To Sleep and Woke Up the Next Morning Raging At Steam.) The name was Bagasina12 (Hence the V2 In my Nickname) (Those who know FBER may probably know me... I think...

I hope... Actually I Don't Think you will Remember Me.) I just came back on RND 4 weeks ago and noticed how this group has grown since last year. So urmm.. Will this Suffice as a Bout me Section or do I have to Drone on a little bit more?
Likes: Most things, Unicorns and Penguins. Most People, All Foods (That I Have Tried), Games, Posing Scenes on Gmod, Everything I hate
Hates: Music (Specially Modern Music), People Who Don't Like Me (most of You people), When Hammer Screws up then my Video card Stops Working leaving the screen a dark shade of black. Everything I like.
Why I want Reg: I want Reg because everyone else is doing it and What people Do I do. I also want it because I don't like seeing ----> (Guest) <---- Bag Of Awesomeness: <TEXT GOES HERE> : Next to My Name even though I Go on the Servers Regularly (Unless I am mapping, Busy or not Arsed.) I also want to be able to use some of the Locked Tools in Wirebuild (like Duplicator, So then I dont have to make The Symetrical Half Of a Suckish Creation. Wait Duplicator is part of the Included tools right...?) I also want to be Able to Join the Rare Kicking of a complete and Utter Retard like myself.
Sooo... Umm Yeah. I't doesn't matter if I don't get Reg just trying my luck and literacy skills here, I don't really care if U hate me because I probably Don't Even Know You...