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Tiger Guy Chronicles: The Drunk Hero

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10:22 PM - Tiger Guy: my ass apreative that
10:23 PM - Swesson: your ass should
10:24 PM - Tiger Guy: oka
10:24 PM - Tiger Guy: itgs sore
10:24 PM - Tiger Guy: but it says yes
10:24 PM - Swesson: but you're all the way over theeeeere
10:24 PM - Swesson: and i'm all the way over heeeeeere
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: haah
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: cant get my butt
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: also
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: i discovered what caused aids
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: mel gibson'
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: wanted jews to get aids
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: but
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: gave it to blacks inseld
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: its sad
10:27 PM - Tiger Guy: because
10:28 PM - Tiger Guy: blacks in africa already have eougth sjo
10:28 PM - Tiger Guy: to go though
10:28 PM - Tiger Guy: i just told purple
10:28 PM - Tiger Guy: this
10:28 PM - Tiger Guy: its sad man
10:28 PM - Tiger Guy: fucking mel gibeson

Seeing that he is currently playing Europa Universalis III I feel sad for the people he's playing as. The poor drunk great leader.


--- Quote from: Astropilot on May 16, 2012, 07:32:32 PM ---Seeing that he is currently playing Europa Universalis III I feel sad for the people he's playing as. The poor drunk great leader.

--- End quote ---

On the bright side, Tiger Guy is that much closer to being Winston Churchill.

Tiger Guy:
actually im the malmuks in eu iii which is a muslim emplire, so im more like a cool guy, not a bull dog looking guy.


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