Because way too often, I find a bunch of hackers and because of the temp servers there is NO way for me to ban them after they leave... way too often right when I catch them, they leave. So... add to the list if you can. All people here should have permas only, and for hacking.
If you see any of these players, permanently ban them with the reason "hacks" or something along those lines.PERM BANS (for hacking)
Sabb | # 127 "[vG] Chris" STEAM_0:0:10843341 18:24 80 0 active
Sabb | # 135 "Le autism face" STEAM_0:1:18460701 06:23 229 0 active
Sabb | # 134 "pythons" STEAM_0:1:6093627 07:12 136 0 active
Jman | "[!?] Skull Justice" STEAM_0:0:51496953Sabb | "lol

" STEAM_0:1:42887165
Snivy | "Evil Metro" STEAM_0:0:20928049
Sabb | "Bot01" STEAM_0:0:46901883
Sabb | "Good guy greg" STEAM_0:0:33638160
Sabb | "[GG]TheOutbreak95" STEAM_0:1:5428531
Sabb | "doneobyrd" STEAM_0:1:41968250
Sabb | "Niggly" STEAM_0:1:47460935
If you see any of these players, ban them with the given reason, for the given amount of time.TEMP BANS
Sabb | # 153 "Supreme Pootis" STEAM_0:1:37618161 09:51 168 0 active Banned for 44,000 minuets (~ 30 days)
1 month for extreme target RDM including T bud RDM
Sabb | Loke STEAM_0:0:22218227 (This is his alt account, or what I'm assuming is his alt as it's linked on the forums... I need to get his other account still)
1 month for lying about demotion, ghosting, RDMing, and generally doing what he wants/minging
If possible, demote him as well.Sabb | Loke STEAM_0:0:22218227
3 months for evasion -- if you can see his regular account on the logs or something, with the name "loke" with a bunch of symbols and stuff, then please add another month to that account tooSabb | "ŔŋĐ:ĻĔĢíŤíŁŶƒĘãŔ" STEAM_0:1:27994738
3 days for ghosting and RDM
Sabb | "[F2B] AssassinJordy [PRO.NL]" STEAM_0:0:38877370
Sabb | "[F2B] PENUTTBUTTER" STEAM_0:1:37291217
Sabb | "[F2B] AwesomeFace [CH]" STEAM_0:1:22015258
all 3 above 1 month ban for mass/consistent and first blood RDM in group
Sabb | "Grim" STEAM_0:1:25324966
Sabb | "Melkology" STEAM_0:1:17646554
both above 3 months each for teaming, ghosting, and prop pushing
Sabb | "eeymaan! Muff1N" STEAM_0:1:13787699
1 month for mass RDM and first blood RDM
Sabb | "kaedynbug" STEAM_0:0:42275200
1 week for intentional T bud RDM
Sabb | "PaRtY RoCkER101" STEAM_0:1:34861828
1 week for intentional detective RDM, and mass RDM
Sabb | *(Warhead)* STEAM_0:0:20940655
1 month for consistent mass RDM
Sabb | "Dulluzions" STEAM_0:1:29205246
Sabb | "Mlg Batman" STEAM_0:1:40790385
2 months each for ghosting and calling out T buds
Sabb | "xColourTheory" STEAM_0:1:41746024
2 weeks for mass RDM
Sabb | "Skittles" STEAM_0:0:27385228
2 months for aiding hackers/ghosting and being a general dick
Sabb | 144 "VenaGe;3 Ft. Pärrpärr" STEAM_0:0:19804927 09:13 242 2 active
1 month, mass RDM and evade
Never tell your password to anyone.
Foofoojack: yo we got a shitton of affiliated rdmers/name changers in here
Foofoojack: i cant control them and have to go
Sabb: dont leave yet
Foofoojack: alright
Sabb: wait for me to be loaded and shit
Sabb: ok
Foofoojack: all gone
Sabb: they all left?
Foofoojack: they knew someone was coming
Foofoojack: the fuck
Foofoojack: yeah
Sabb: wow :/
Foofoojack: every single one
Sabb: do you have names? steam ids?
Foofoojack: # 692 "Its the guy behind you" STEAM_0:1:30694974 06:06 215 0 active
Foofoojack: ^first blood rdm
Foofoojack: 67 "wafflesfulls lcSl" STEAM_0:1:45826203 1:11:56 256 0 active
# 691 "i can't see his name" STEAM_0:0:14433534 06:18 223 0 active
Foofoojack: ^mass rdm
Foofoojack: # 695 "It's the guy behind you!" STEAM_0:1:22729186 02:45 117 0 active
Foofoojack: ^calling people niggers
Foofoojack: foojack" STEAM_0:1:21922937 39:11 93 0 active
# 693 "the guy down the hall" STEAM_0:0:51512406 05:09 122 0 active
Sabb: what aside from impersonating did foojack do? and guy downt he hall?
Foofoojack: impersonating?
Foofoojack: oh woops
Foofoojack: i think that was jsut me
Foofoojack: just*
Foofoojack: yeah thats my steam ID
Sabb: oh lmao
Foofoojack: the guy down the hall did the same shit as the guy who was calling people niggers
Sabb: k
Would like a month for each as they were apparently extremely disruptive, acted in group together with their buds (completely aware of what they were doing with poor intentions), and evaded.
# 92 "Rainbow "Danger" Dash" STEAM_0:1:41557972 1:40:37 118 0 active
2 days for minging with buds and evading