Restricted (Read Only) > VIPs

Shit List

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Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: DoeniDon on April 15, 2012, 11:08:24 AM ---no

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unless it is yes.

1. Never heard of him
2. And 3. I agree fully; these players are constant problems when they are on.
4. Only played one round with him and I ended his life before I saw how he plays.

Dale Feles:
Lets add the guy who fucked up snivy's server. If I'm right he's banned but still deserves a spot on the shit list.


--- Quote from: Soilent on April 15, 2012, 01:33:28 PM ---Lets add the guy who fucked up snivy's server. If I'm right he's banned but still deserves a spot on the shit list.

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You mean goat?
I think he's already banned


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