Hello Guys.
If you remember, last year I made a topic asking where to find out some C tutorials. Well, I bought a book about C (very good). Then, I read all. I know the basic and a bit of advanced C. Someday I was looking about Operating Systems and I saw that most O.S. are build in Assembly and C. So, I asked to me, why I not build an Operating System. Exactly what I did: I started with a C project, called PingasOS. I'm still running on prompt to work some commands like copy, del, editor, help, etc. Now you think:
"You're a retarder César, this is not a O.S., you're just running an app in Windows Prompt". Well, I told you, I'm only using Windows Prompt to work in some commands, isn't now a O.S. but an app of how will be the O.S.. More late, when I know more about C I'll make the boot loader (maybe in Assembly), the directories, etc.
I'll post some pics, about the code and the prompt. I'll update somedays.
Some parts of the code
The prompt (Windows)
Hope you enjoyed !