It excels everyone. Also I have a question for Juan. How did you make the videos? Did ya climbed to the top or did you just spam the shit out of everyone (Unlikely)?
Well, like i said i used to have an account in 2008, with my extremely high pitched voice xD, i got about a hundred subscribers by 2010 (around that time) then it got closed due to Strikes. I then made a NEW account and whoever i managed to contact i told them about my new channel which was named "TouchHelper101"
I got about 500 Subscribers, then i got ONE strike which means i cant upload videos that are more than 10 Min, i cant get monetization (Get paid) and i cant get partnership.
So i just made a video explaining why i made a new channel named "Techhelper102" (101 was taken sons a bitches! >:O xD) i left the video up for a month or two, and a few hundred saw it, im not sure if it was my subscribers, but yeah, a lot followed me on to this channel.....
Currently i have no strikes which is great because im actually getting paid, and i sent a Partnership Application which im hoping they will Approve of, because then i get more audiance

SO in short
How did i make my videos?
I climbed up to the top.