Author Topic: [WIP] 2020 Airplane  (Read 128 times)

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Offline Mehis

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[WIP] 2020 Airplane
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:12:04 AM »
The purpose of this project is to test my modelling skills and use them to make an airplane! I will not use any custom content made by other people. This doesn't include stock content... (HL2, CSS...)

Basicly, it's year 2020. You and your friends are on first class flight to ********* with new jumbo jet.

VERY early wip.
What I could do with this is to make a small zombie survival map, where survivors have to survive with these 2-4 rooms. Most likely I will do that.
Or I could make super long TTT map, which takes forever to create.
Also I will not make an accessible cockpit because it would take forever to create too. Not sure about windows either. We'll see.

More detailed information about models and stuff:

- Everything is done by me except carpet and tile textures.
- Doorway light texture uses .rad
- Lamp and sofa models have two different colors
- Expect moar props later

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Please suggest anything what you would like to see. Mainly props and ideas.

Offline Deacon

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Re: [WIP] 2020 Airplane
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2012, 09:17:28 AM »
I can see you've never been on a plane: There is WAY too much room lol.

Offline Mehis

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Re: [WIP] 2020 Airplane
« Reply #2 on: March 25, 2012, 10:37:56 AM »
I can see you've never been on a plane: There is WAY too much room lol.

I already knew that, lol. I just don't have all the resources to do million seat models. It also would cause a lot of fps problems. That's why I came up with first class or more like a VIP plane stylish design.

Anyway, I got my windows working. I think I'll have to separate the windows and the wall into own models.

Offline Alkaline

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Re: [WIP] 2020 Airplane
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2012, 07:02:57 PM »
The normals for your couches appear strange (can't see where some of the faces meet).

As a suggestion, maybe you could add textures of a cityscape out side of the airplane (like in HL2 when you are in Breen's office) and make the cityscape roll slightly to give the effect of turbulence.

If anything, the map looks awesome.
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Offline Tezuni

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Re: [WIP] 2020 Airplane
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 02:25:51 PM »
If you weren't already planning to, you could add soundscapes, they really make a map come to life. (Mechanical noises, the constant air rushing by, etc...)