Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man

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--- Quote from: gamefreak on March 22, 2012, 03:25:08 PM ---I kicked him tons of times for it.
I even banned him several times because of it.
Yet he keeps doing it.

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--- Quote from: gamefreak on March 22, 2012, 03:25:08 PM ---I kicked him tons of times for it.
I even banned him several times because of it.
Yet he keeps doing it.

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Karma farming is borderline not even a rule, what matters is what he did before karma farming and I believe that's why it's a rule in the first place so people can't get away with rdming entirely even if they get away with it punishment wise, fact of the matter is he doesn't rdm, just because that person hasn't acted yet doesn't make it rdm, and karma farming is a minor offense shouldn't be bannable in the first place and if so for a week TOPS even after doing it so many times it does not warrant a 1-2 month ban.


--- Quote from: Shockah on March 22, 2012, 03:34:56 PM ---Karma farming is a minor offense shouldn't be bannable in the first place and if so for a week TOPS even after doing it so many times it does not warrant a 1-2 month ban.

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This is what I've been saying in all my posts, but some people seem to think Stone Cold deserves extra punishment for some reason.

This Cactus:

--- Quote from: CaptainNoU on March 20, 2012, 07:32:01 AM ---                                        AGREE

And i got ban from this stupid reason too 15 DUP ACCOUNT IMPOSIBLE i have only 3 accounts
And snivy is not a friendly or nice admin he hates me alot for some reason

                                                                 [rebels against snivy]

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You got banned cuz everyone is telling me you were evading your ban, since I most hear that from others, and they repeat it after I ask them then I believe that you were rly evading you ban. And also Snivy is a new admin but he knows as if he was already VIP of course. Know the rules.

This Cactus:
Btw Stone Cold. You sometimes RDM ppl due to traitorous act but don't fall for that anymore its an old act just to let you lose karma then report you for karma farming. Also some complaints of others.


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