Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Ban Appeal--Being screwed by the man

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A month or two is fine.

Let me clarify. At the start of this thread, I said something along the lines of "until the normal servers come up" which is only about 2-3 months from now. He's banned because he's a problem player.

I also don't like how you assume I went out of my way for stone. If someones causing a problem, despite being warned, kicked, and banned multiple times, I'd do the same to them. I just haven't encountered anyone like that since then.

My rationalization is that if they're not going to respect the rules and systems we have in place, they don't DESERVE to play here.

A perma was just easier at the time since I hadn't reconfigured my ads mod config to ban for longer than one day. I was going to make it two months, but a "permaban" on the temp servers was just as long.

I'm also still waiting for someone to tell me why he's such a valuable player.


--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on March 22, 2012, 01:38:51 PM ---Let me clarify. At the start of this thread, I said something along the lines of "until the normal servers come up" which is only about 2-3 months from now. He's banned because he's a problem player.

I also don't like how you assume I went out of my way for stone. If someones causing a problem, despite being warned, kicked, and banned multiple times, I'd do the same to them. I just haven't encountered anyone like that since then.

My rationalization is that if they're not going to respect the rules and systems we have in place, they don't DESERVE to play here.

A perma was just easier at the time since I hadn't reconfigured my ads mod config to ban for longer than one day. I was going to make it two months, but a "permaban" on the temp servers was just as long.

I'm also still waiting for someone to tell me why he's such a valuable player.

--- End quote ---

Is any player without authoritative powers more "valuable" then any other? That's not exactly a fair question, this community could function without any single individual just fine, reasons why he has a better player personality or I prefer him over other players however are plentiful, he uses logic, he's generally a nice person, he doesn't intentionally rdm (as in he doesn't go oh there's dark let me shoot him unless provoked severely), he is not disrespectful to those who show him the same level of respect, he plays CONSTANTLY, he's a generally light-hearted guy, he's been a member of this community for a good period of time, the only rule he breaks (I mean really breaks not some bs first blood shenanigans) is karma farming which has already been discussed and it looked as though the decided method of punishment is kicking if doing it at that moment.

You say you have received numerous complaints, well where are they?  I don't see a single ban request on this forum about Stone Cold.  Nor have I actually seen a legitimate complaint about Stone Cold that merits a ban.  Just because someone screams and complains they are being randomly killed does not make it true. And on the karma farming, I'm not sure Stone realized it was against the rules to sit in spectator mode but even if he didn't does karma farming really deserve any more than a single day ban at the most?  So again, as someone who has played with Stone Cold nearly everyday I can say he is a good player.


--- Quote from: Tec on March 22, 2012, 03:21:54 PM ---And on the karma farming, I'm not sure Stone realized it was against the rules to sit in spectator mode but even if he didn't does karma farming really deserve any more than a single day ban at the most?

--- End quote ---
I kicked him tons of times for it.
I even banned him several times because of it.
Yet he keeps doing it.


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