After conquering all the other civs in my current game, I decided to try to win in a more peaceful way (by building the first spacecraft to Alpha Centauri). Once I did that, I decided to conquer the other civs again. I hadn't made any artillery or planes (seeing as I wasn't planning on conquering this time), but I did have a whole shitload of nukes to get my edge in some diplomatic agreements. So, I decided to use the nukes as artillery.
Here's how the playable area looked like before:
My land

Their land

Now here's what it looks like.

Notice the fuck-huge desert areas now everywhere and my cities starving and the clouds of fallout all over the western half.
And this is my monolouge to Supertoaster about my rampage.
(some extra stuff)
Swesson: and i decide, "fuck it"
Swesson: "i'm going to kill them anyways"
Swesson: now, normally, swarming them with troops doesn't cut it
Swesson: you NEED artillery later in the game to attack
Swesson: artillery and planes
Swesson: and i hadn't made any
Swesson: so i decided, fuck it
Swesson: i built a shitload of nukes
Swesson: and
Swesson: i
Swesson: i
Supertoaster: LOL
Swesson: i rained fire across the western half of the continent
Swesson: early on, i didn't feel anything
Swesson: those were huge cities
Swesson: like,
Swesson: you know how in my screenshots, the cities would have a number next to the name?
Swesson: in the range of 1-16?
Swesson: i'll wait
Supertoaster: OH SORRY
Swesson: it's alright dude
Swesson: anyways, if you've seen the screenshots, you see those numbers
Swesson: those numbers show you a figure on how big the population is and the cities i was attacking were in the twenties
Swesson: keep playing, you can read this later
Supertoaster: sorry
Supertoaster: lol
Swesson: it's alright
Swesson: i had been destroying entire cities
Supertoaster: LOL
Swesson: i'd rain fire, then overrun them with tanks and leave nothing but ruins
Swesson: but then, as the number of cities to take ran low, the enemy citizens started to fight back!
Swesson: after the city would become ruins, the citizens would just become low-level gun-carrying units
Swesson: and my tanks would own them
Supertoaster: cruel\
Swesson: eventually, i had my own version of the capital wasteland
Swesson: and my own land starts to deteriorate
Swesson: one of the side effects of using nukes in this game is global warming
Swesson: and global warming turns farmland into desert
Swesson: it got to a point where there were just cities on small islands, with just thousands of people
Swesson: and i never gave them any rest
Swesson: with the mainland covered in fallout, i had to resort to a navy
Swesson: while i prepared transports filled with tanks, i was endlessly nuking
Swesson: small cities
Swesson: and at the same time bombing them with planes and bombarding them with ships
Swesson: and when the last city fell, i realized something
Swesson: half of my land is now desert
Supertoaster: LOL
Swesson: the other half is uninhabitable
Supertoaster: you're a home wrecker
Swesson: and i've got nothing else to do
Swesson: i endlessly nuked, bombed, and bombarded small, island cities with no hope of fighting back
Swesson: mowing down the citizens when they tried to fight the power
Swesson: and i felt nothing until the last city fell
Swesson: my won cities are starving because where they once grew bread now grows cacti
Swesson: *my own