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My Daily Lie

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--- Quote from: KHMarie12 on March 15, 2012, 06:28:10 PM ---I do this with everything I eat. My tongue becomes a burning asshole and yet after my tongue finishes dying in my mouth, I relish in what flavor I have left. Then I am unable to taste anything for a week. :1

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I got the freshly baked pizza rolls from the oven a couple of weeks ago. As most of you know, cheese in general IS as hot as lava it seems like.
Well for those who's had pizza rolls (it seemed warm outside but in the inside OMG) knows how hot is is in the inside.

Well, out of curiosity I fed one of our 5 dogs ONE pizza roll to see how she'd react. She bit it and realized it was scorching hot and spit it back out.. then she waited .5 seconds and ate it again with no problem whatsoever

a minute later there was throw up on the floor.

Bonus story!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Me and proudly were having sexy time on the bed and the same dog came in to ask if she can be let outside to go potty. Of course being in the middle of sexy time, I was like go the 'fuck away and stop staring'.. as we resumed to our sexy time.
When we finished, I was trying to find my underwear and I couldn't find it. Well little miss dog over here was mad I didn't let her out when she wanted to be let out so she took my underwear with her downstairs earlier when I yelled at her to go away and kept it under her chin until I came down and got it (and also to let her out) .

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on March 15, 2012, 06:56:31 PM ---I got the freshly baked pizza rolls from the oven a couple of weeks ago. As most of you know, cheese in general IS as hot as lava it seems like.
Well for those who's had pizza rolls (it seemed warm outside but in the inside OMG) knows how hot is is in the inside.

Well, out of curiosity I fed one of our 5 dogs ONE pizza roll to see how she'd react. She bit it and realized it was scorching hot and spit it back out.. then she waited .5 seconds and ate it again with no problem whatsoever

a minute later there was throw up on the floor.

Bonus story!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Me and proudly were having sexy time on the bed and the same dog came in to ask if she can be let outside to go potty. Of course being in the middle of sexy time, I was like go the 'fuck away and stop staring'.. as we resumed to our sexy time.
When we finished, I was trying to find my underwear and I couldn't find it. Well little miss dog over here was mad I didn't let her out when she wanted to be let out so she took my underwear with her downstairs earlier when I yelled at her to go away and kept it under her chin until I came down and got it (and also to let her out) .
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Devie: 0 - Dog: 1


We know this for a fact


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