Entertainment (Read Only) > Comics

My Daily Lie

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It's a comic about lying!
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Go to http://theoatmeal.com/ for more of these funny comics!


This one was made for me.

It's funny, I just don't like the whole "always use the same face" thing. Reminds me too much of overused memes.

○ Μαρία ○:

--- Quote from: Sabb on March 11, 2012, 10:52:18 AM ---
This one was made for me.

--- End quote ---

I do this with everything I eat. My tongue becomes a burning asshole and yet after my tongue finishes dying in my mouth, I relish in what flavor I have left. Then I am unable to taste anything for a week. :1

No offense, but the oatmeal isn't exactly 'new.'

This is sort of like posting videos from jimbomcb or R33MIX.

I mean, it's still hilarious, but yeah.


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