I am just going to wait a while for VIP,
About Me:Name:Bradley "Krasher" Reese.
Birth Date:September 5, 1996.
Join Date:January 8, 2010
Location:United States Of Antarctica.
Favorite Icon:
Steam Information:Account Name:krasher_pwns
Nickname: .:RND`=- Krasher -=
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:35488404
More Information:Favorite Server:Wirebuild
When you can see me online (Normally):7 AM - 12 PM GMT -5 (Eastern Time)
Favorite Tool:Expression 2 Gate
Other: Hello,
I usually play one Wirebuild, but you can see me on each of the servers every now and then. I like (try) to keep the peace inside the servers, and know what to do when things get out of hand ( Racial Slurs take a little "decoding" ). I regularly help people on Wire with things (Sorry Marked One), and try to insure that everyone knows what they need to know and what they want to know. I try and help new players by telling them how the server works and what basic rules are so they won't get banned. Although some of the people I show the forums too, (myppl, killndark) aren't the best of players, but I still helped them. I try what I can, and I try alot.
Thank you for your time.
Contact Me:Email:bradpwns@live.com