Support (Read Only) > Requests

this is my third support topic so far, but oh well

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That depends snivy, are you important enough to warrant tomcats time

I don't think we will be using solidvote on our end, it provided more than a few security risks. The current vote system, while not as fully featured as solidvote does everything it needs to and has the added bonus of not being full of holes.
If a unanimous request from most of the VIP's comes back and says that they cannot live without being able to attach reasons then we will work on adding something, but until then it's a pretty low priority issue.

As for a menu system instead of the !votekick <derp> the benefit that was told to me that it makes it easier to detect name changers, we will work on a way to more effectively deal with name changers.



--- Quote from: Xrain on February 27, 2012, 02:48:34 AM ---If a unanimous request from most of the VIP's comes back and says that they cannot live without being able to attach reasons then we will work on adding something, but until then it's a pretty low priority issue.

--- End quote ---
Please do so. It's so annoying when people just don't vote in your vote because they don't know why is the player being kicked, so the vote fails. I think I should also add that people don't really trust the VIPs that much anymore which makes it only harder.


--- Quote from: Xrain on February 27, 2012, 02:48:34 AM ---I don't think we will be using solidvote on our end, it provided more than a few security risks. The current vote system, while not as fully featured as solidvote does everything it needs to and has the added bonus of not being full of holes.
If a unanimous request from most of the VIP's comes back and says that they cannot live without being able to attach reasons then we will work on adding something, but until then it's a pretty low priority issue.

As for a menu system instead of the !votekick <derp> the benefit that was told to me that it makes it easier to detect name changers, we will work on a way to more effectively deal with name changers.


--- End quote ---

I'll just leave this here.

It was literally IMPOSSIBLE to ban him due to his name.
   So, is this is enough for you to understand how vital the old votekick/ban menu is for the VIPs?

Eion Kilant 739:
Wait, I was under the impression that the newvote kick system was able to ban using the steam ID. It also appears (from Xrain's post) to be that there is a menu that lists all player's names, so you just select the one with the strange name.

Regardless, a system that uses anything other than a player's name (such as Steam ID or "userid") would be ideal.


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