Support (Read Only) > Requests

this is my third support topic so far, but oh well

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Can we please fix the votekicking system?

It doesn't let you specify a reason.

I don't even need to tell you why this needs fixing.

When u kick somebody you ban soembody for 1 hour...

Dale Feles:
I agree with Gamefreak.

Solidvote is broke as fuck right now

I could remake it and make it exactly like coolz's old system but idk what xrain/snivy wants


--- Quote from: Tomcat on February 26, 2012, 09:44:43 PM ---Solidvote is broke as fuck right now

I could remake it and make it exactly like coolz's old system but idk what xrain/snivy wants

--- End quote ---

I'd use it if you made it.

I think I asked you for it a couple weeks ago too .__________.


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