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Well here's Hotgreen messing up his internet again

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Thake the router and run over it with a car that should fix it.

But on a serious note did you check to see that the physical connection (computer port is fine) try bridging the wifi connection from the laptop to the pc. Connect to the router from your lappy using WiFi then connect the Ethernet cable from the laptop to your pc. Then goto your change adapter settings menu on lappy select the two right click and bridge them.


--- Quote from: Tomcat on March 04, 2012, 10:42:02 PM ---Thake the router and run over it with a car that should fix it.

But on a serious note did you check to see that the physical connection (computer port is fine) try bridging the wifi connection from the laptop to the pc. Connect to the router from your lappy using WiFi then connect the Ethernet cable from the laptop to your pc. Then goto your change adapter settings menu on lappy select the two right click and bridge them.

--- End quote ---

Alright, tried what you did.

The computer had the same result, unidentified network, no internet access. The bridge couldn't connect, or something along those lines.

So that proves it has something to do with the computer itself. I'm really hoping it isn't the network adapter hardware.

It probably is the network adapter hardware. I mean, you reset like everything. Most likely a hardware problem.


--- Quote from: blah2355 on March 06, 2012, 03:14:39 PM ---It probably is the network adapter hardware. I mean, you reset like everything. Most likely a hardware problem.

--- End quote ---

But I don't see how rebooting the router/forwarding the ports can fuck up the hardware...


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