Author Topic: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)  (Read 394 times)

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Offline Roach :3

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[IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:33:51 AM »

Rules (yes again)

1. Absolutely no racism, no argumentative drama, and no negativity toward others. These won't be allowed. Romance is fine, arguments between the characters -not the users- is okay, and jokes displayed from characters will be accepted.

2. No sexual role play, meaning, sexual roleplay includes but is not limited to: showing of sexual organs, extreme nudity and having sexual intercourse. Things such as kissing and making out are allowed.

3. No powergaming, you're not allowed to force action upon on other players, you should always leave the outcome of the action open so the player(s) affected by the action can fill it in themselves to allow for returned roleplay to happen. In the case the it is impossible to avoid an action, powergaming is allowed as long as you keep it fair for both sides.

4. Metagaming is not allowed. It is considered metagaming when a player uses or acts in character upon information acquired through out of character means.

5. Provoking other players to metagame is not allowed. You are provoking others to metagame when you are stating important in character information in any out of character chat.

6. Do not go Out-of-character on this thread, if you want take it to PM's or SF.

7. If you want to add anything to your character, any kind of knowledge or skills that he has PM me.

8. Keep it mature, and don't do stupid things.

9. Stay with the story. Don't make it turn to your own direction because it sets everyone off. I shall direct the story, but if you feel you have an amazing idea where the story can lead to then please PM me with it.

10. I am not your enemy or rival. I can be 'unfair' as a GM, but all I do is for the better of the RP and the players. If you have questions or concerns, I state again, PM me and I will do my best to tend to you.

Quick guide

How to talk:
When you are talking you'll have to use double quotes  which look like that, "_____" and you'll have to use the bold option to make the sentence easier to read.
For example:
**Chad says "Wasn't easy eh?".

How to do actions:
When you're doing an action you'll have to use double asterisks at the start of the sentence which look like that, **______
Most of the time you'll use the asterisks because even when you're talking your are doing an action.
For example:
**Lily quickly grabs her shoe and throws it at the thief.

How to do combat actions:
When you do combat actions you're not allowed to force the other player, and that is called power-gaming, you shall always try or attempt so the other player can react too, if there is no way the other player can get out of the attack you are allowed but most likely you shouldn't and always attempt.
For example:
**Drake quickly charges at the enemy raising his warclub, he sends it down attempting to hit the enemy in the head.

And now I'll give you an example which includes everything:
**Serj stands up looking around, he quietly mumbles "So... no one is here, strange.", suddenly a small black figure walks out a random room, he charges at Serj and attempts to stab him with a wooden knife, Serj attempts jump aside and dodge the attack, as Serj attempts to dudge he attempts to grab the figures mask and take it off, the figures mask is torn off revealing a child's face, the child yells "What the heck are you doing Serj, I'm supposed to win not you."
Serj lets a warm smile out saying "Sorry couldn't help it.".

Now these are the commands for Moderators and Global moderators:
[GM][EVENT] - A command that is written when a Moderator sets an event
[GM][ANNOUNCEMENT] - A command that is set by a Moderator if the Overseer announces something or something is announced,
If an event combines with a announcement it goes by [GM][EVENT]+[ANNOUNCEMENT]
[GM][NPC] - Is used when a Moderator plays as a NPC

Now, each and every time you post something I want you all to use this form

Current IC location (The place where you at, check the map once more) - [OOC Name (Forum name)/IC Name (Your character's name)] Use the code below

Code: [Select]
[b]Current IC location[/b]
<Body>(Remove this and write your role play lines)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 06:36:12 AM by TheRoach »

Offline Roach :3

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2012, 09:47:01 AM »
**A brown HumVee stops at a giant metal gate, few unknown figures get out of the HumVee, all of them dressed otherwise, one has a wears a camo shirt with camo pants, the other has a heavy kevlar armor with ceramic plate reinforcement and a ballistic helmet, the third wears nothing but a grey t-shirt and brown-green camo pants and the last one has a leather jacket and a purple shirt under it.
**As you look up at the gate you see a dark figure, he stands up and slowly starts walking down the gate, he's walking down like he got sticked to the gate, as he reaches the ground you see a figure with a some kind of chest armor and arm guards, everything else is dark he slowly raises his arm saying "Hi, I'm Kai, nice to meet you all, welcome to the camp.", He reaches into his back pocket in his pants and takes out a small notebook, he quickly opens it flipping through the pages, once more he reaches into his back pocket taking out a pen and says "So what's your names?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Offline cogsandspigots

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2012, 11:52:18 AM »
In front of camp enterance:

**removes helmet to reveal short blonde hair and a well-groomed face**
" 'Ello, comrades! I am Ivan Pasturovich! I was told there was pool."
« Last Edit: February 13, 2012, 01:23:10 PM by cogsandspigots »

Offline blαh2355

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2012, 02:32:01 PM »
In a small voice, "I'm Gary..."

Offline cogsandspigots

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2012, 02:56:14 PM »
"Speak up man, there's no need to be shy!"

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2012, 07:13:32 PM »
**Ignores the question and begins to look around the campus, making note of everything he can. Ways to escape in case of an emergency, best places to hide, and things of the like.

Offline blαh2355

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2012, 07:18:35 PM »
Feels embarrassed and just doesn't say anything while looking at the ground.

Offline cogsandspigots

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2012, 07:25:38 PM »
"Kai, where should I put my stuff? It's late and I'm tired."

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2012, 07:46:47 PM »
**Notices the bar and begins to walk towards it

Offline blαh2355

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2012, 08:01:00 PM »
I'll.. I'll just head to my quarters now :-[

Offline Roach :3

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #10 on: February 13, 2012, 09:52:53 PM »
Loke apply before you write anything here.
This thread is nothing but role play, if you want to say something take it to Pm's
I expect an admin to remove Loke's post and blah's post.

Now like I said before I expect all of you to use that form each post.

Gates of the camp -  [TheRoach/Kai]

**Kai looks at Ivan and says with a smile on his face "There are rooms near the field, and that is where every one lives.", he raises the pen to the notebook starting to write few things, then he simply turns around and says "We ain't going to stand here the whole day right, lets go in." then he quickly starts walking to the guarding post.

Offline cogsandspigots

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2012, 03:20:47 AM »
**Ivan moves to take his pick of rooms. He chooses room 1,3 (grid system) as it looks like it has the most free space. He begins to take his stuff to the room. He takes a rattling box of something, an unusually large briefcase, a computer desk, a wierd tilting table, a desktop computer, and a normal travel suitcase. He pauses at very large, heavy box**
"Could someone give me a hand with this?"

Offline Castle

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2012, 07:56:32 AM »
-Goes with Comrade Ivan to pick a room , picking random room and starting to stuff the room.After putting everything in place, he goes to talk to Kai about "The Others"-

Offline Roach :3

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2012, 12:06:41 PM »
Guys -.- add this to your posts, fill it properly please

Code: [Select]
[b]Current IC location -  [OOC Name/IC Name][/b]
<Body>(Remove this and write your role play lines)

Armory -  [TheRoach/Kai]

**Kai is lying on top of the armory's roof, he is holding a book in his right hand simply reading it.

Offline Dale Feles

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Re: [IC] rANdOm Camp (Quick guides, lets start role playing.)
« Reply #14 on: February 14, 2012, 01:47:11 PM »
**Sigmar talks to Kai "Hi sir, we haven't met yet, I am Sigmar Konung, although most people just call me by my first name. Where is my room sir? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Thank you Marie for the sprite.