Good Afternoon/evening/night/morning whatever timezone us Randomer's are in!
I was thinking, cause now the servers had to be shut down for a few months I thought that you people may want to get on with other games you may play or just sit
and not know what to do, Well! I've been sitting around playing League of Legends and Plants Vs Zombies etc... So here's a guide I devised to help you get through
Plants Vs Zombies incase you have trouble with it

Daytime: Well since daytime is one of the QUICKEST and
EASIEST parts of the game you won't really need help! Just
make the first line sun flowers and perhaps the second lane full. Then you'll want to make 2 lines of pea shooters and 1 line of the Wall-Nut's (That SHOULD be simple enough! If you have problems post them :<!)
Night time: Night time is probably annoying for many people but it's can be fun at times, Here are some pictures of what to do:
Having problems with sun? Here's a picture:
You'll want to start with 1 Sun flower then fill a lane with the mini ones
Step 2: You'll need to build up on the Puff shroom's as well (Put them in lanes 3 and 4) This picture is the basic of a night time map with the Screendoor
zombies.Here's what you should have later on when you have 2 lanes of Sunflowers and Sun shrooms:
Now, we've looked at the support! How about we look at the offence :O!
The pink squares are what you'll want for normal zombiesGreen squares are for the cone-head zombies.Red is for the fast and and dangerous 
Now, You can get all the correct plants by just looking at the zombies, Here's a picture:

Now, Here's a way to farm money:

What you do is that once you've almost killed every zombie restart the level and keep getting the grave stones
and repeat this process

I hope this guide helped, If you had a problem while playing or you keep having problems then please
post some stuff and I'll edit and see what I can do to help solve your problem

p.s: I couldn't get up to the pool and roof level in time :L I'll see if I can add some more later!!!