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[OOC] rANdOm Camp - Forum Role-play (Roster, Applications, Rules, Story)
Name: Ivan Pasturovich (son of Sheppard)
Hair: light brown/dirty blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 21
Power: Known as the "shotgun-surgeon" due to his ruthless proficiency with the scatter gun. He is also a mastermind of weapons. He can design and build very powerful weapons and armor.
Combat Appearance: Heavy kevlar armor with ceramic plate reinforcement. Helmet+ballistic face mask.
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Passive appearance:
Usually: button-up shirt with nice jeans and good sneakers
*comrade face*
Occasionally: a full business suit with Cole Haan shoes
Remington 870 Tactical
Spoiler (click to show/hide).357 Magnum
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Misc Items:
Cornet, interchangeable shotgun bores, CAD software, drafting supplies (compass, straight edge, engineering scale, etc.), 3d printer (not carried, obviously), gas mask, and a badass watch Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Weakness: His heavy armor and close range weapons makes him sniper bait.
Traumas: Afraid of weapon failure, will panic if his guns mess up.
Roach :3:
Cogs , Silent and blah Accepted
We need one person more, if any one needs a help with the application PM me.
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The exact age is unknown. He appears to be between the ages of 20 and 30.
His charismatic charm and confidence allows him to persuade others to follow him or help him out when needed. He is also very clever and sneaky.
Combat Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Without the hat
Passive Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Basically just without the coat
Knives, both for melee and for range.
Range, he'll use whatever he has on hands, however, for melee, he uses only one knife:
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Misc items:
A small book that is in a mysterious language
It's very hard for him to make friends or trusted allies due to the fact that he is constantly manipulating others. He is cautious of everyone and tends to stay away from groups.
Not much is known about Isaac, but it has been noted that he goes in a "trance" when he see's lovers. This trance will make him vulnerable due to him being unaware of what is going on around him.
Roach :3:
I like it, Axule Accepted
Denz Castle
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He was vertified as 41 years old man.
Very sneaky and very good stunner, knocks down enemys to unconsius.
Combat Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Wearing SWAT type armour.
Passive Appearance:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Charater really likes suit, thats why i'm using suit as a passive apperance.
Good ol' Desert Eagle
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Long time Remmington 870
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Misc items:
A holy bible for these dark times and a cross from wife, who is dead.
Shot in the knee will make 50% more weaker since all that armour i wear while going into combat.
Moving slowly due to the armour.
Got shot with the air rifle as a kid , the scar still remains near the eye.
Scar at the knee also since he will onto the broken glass.
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