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[OOC] rANdOm Camp - Forum Role-play (Roster, Applications, Rules, Story)
Roach :3:
StoryIt was the year 2016, a strange white beam suddenly emits into the sky from the ground in the middle of New York, Moscow and Hong Kong.
Three years ago a project named GamerHeaven was created by BTAGames, the project was a game that supposed to open the gamer's mind, it was one of a kind project.
At the start it was supposed to be a fun game which included all of the characters from all of the games and a feature of making your own character.
The project was about few game types, MMORPG, FPS, RTS and other kinds of game types, in one game, lobbies, private games, chats, and other activities.
A year later the director took the project further thinking if about making the gamers become the character them self, the project was insane but the director knew it was for their own good, he only wanted to make the gamers happy, and fulfill their dream.
At the night of 02/05/2015 the director of the project died, he was killed by three bullets in the chest when he was a sleep.
Next morning the company disbanded, people couldn't continue the project, it was a mystery.
After few months a war started, people found out about the project and its power, people were chasing, hunting, killing to get the data and files of the project, trying to keep the development and use it for their own hands, make their self stronger.
strength made people mad, but no one got the hands on the project,
A year later a new director came, he assembled the team back and started to develop the project again, but the project was in the wrong hands this time.
The new director decided to make the gamers serve under him to capture the world, to gain power and become the new god.
The project was launched and every gamer in the world bought the game, nothing to say, every player played this game, tons of features, characters, awesome graphics, just heaven.
But no one realized what really was behind the game, two days after a sudden light emits into the sky from the ground in New York, Moscow and Hong Kong everything just became white, no one could see, people thought they were dead but realized it was some kind of a light, all of the people that played the game felt strange, more powerful, some of them changed, the look, they became the characters from the games, they couldn't realize what happened to the, they were shocked, their mind changed, they started to think otherwise, two sides appeared, the good and the bad.
The bad were those who were helping the company and were trying to capture the world.
The good were those who tried to fight the bad and keep the world safe.
All of the bad went to unknown place, no one knew where they were at, the good were sent to special camps where they could do some activities,
Camps were set all over the world and one of them was named camp Sky but eventually renamed because most of the gamers were from the same community named rANdOm.
Rules1. One character per person. This will be very important as we will be interacting with each other from the start.
2. Keep it mature. Don't do stupid things here. I don't want any disrespect between users, and if there is an argument, contact me or sort it out in the discussion thread: right here.
3. Absolutely no racism, no argumentative drama, and no negativity toward others. These won't be allowed. Romance is fine, arguments between the characters -not the users- is okay, and jokes displayed from characters will be accepted.
4. Do not overpower your character. We're all on equal footing in one of the camps, which means powers are restricted.
5. Stay with the story. Don't make it turn to your own direction because it sets everyone off. I shall direct the story, but if you feel you have an amazing idea where the story can lead to then please PM me with it.
6. No sexual role play, meaning, sexual roleplay includes but is not limited to: showing of sexual organs, extreme nudity and having sexual intercourse. Things such as kissing and making out are allowed.
7. No powergaming, you're not allowed to force action upon on other players, you should always leave the outcome of the action open so the player(s) affected by the action can fill it in themselves to allow for returned roleplay to happen. In the case the it is impossible to avoid an action, powergaming is allowed as long as you keep it fair for both sides.
8. Metagaming is not allowed. It is considered metagaming when a player uses or acts in character upon information acquired through out of character means.
9. Provoking other players to metagame is not allowed. You are provoking others to metagame when you are stating important in character information in any out of character chat.
10.Role playing is most of the time passive so remember you won't see combat role play a lot.
Applications Name: (You're character has a name, state it here, it doesn't have to be a full name.)
Hair: (Hair color and how it looks like)
Eyes: (Eye color)
Age: (State your character's age, he/she can be 5-120.)
Power: (What can they do or what abilities do they possess.)
Combat Appearance: (How they look while they're out of the camp, or engaged with a combat situation, keep in mind if they're in the camp and they're engaged with a combat situation they most likely will be in their Passive Appearance.)
Passive Appearance: (How they look while they're in the camp.)
Weapons: (This is were you post what do they carry, any gadgets, melee, firearm, any kind of weapon, or special ability that includes it as a weapon.)
Misc items: (Any items that your character carries around like a doll or some kind of necklace that is worth to mention)
Weaknesses: (What makes them fragile or causes them to be at a disadvantage.)
Traumas: (Anything they fear most?)
--- Code: ---
[b]Combat Appearance:[/b]
[b]Passive Appearance:[/b]
[b]Misc items:[/b]
--- End code ---
RosterOOC Name|IC Name|RankTheRoach|'Kai'|Global moderator
cogsandspigots|Ivan Pasturovich|Regular
$ilent|Sigmar Konung|Regular
Castle|Denz Castle|Regular
Kyle|Loke|RegularMapThanks for reading!
If you want to ask anything PM me.
Once there will be at least 5 members I'll open an In-character Thread and we will be able to start role play.
Dale Feles:
I'm in!
Name: Sigmar Konung
Hair: Brown long shaggy hair.
Eyes: Brown
Age: 19
Power: Has an above average physique. Has good stamina and can take a good beating. Very good in melee fights. He can control his adrenaline outbursts, thus giving him a huge advantage in a fight.
Combat Appearance: Wears nothing but a grey T-shirt and brown-green camo pants. He also wears military boots that are very durable and provide very good defense for his feet. He also attaches some knives on his leg if ever his weapon was to break or be lost in battle.
Passive Appearance: Wear a grey T-shirt and camo pants, just like in combat appearance. He also wears mud-stained sneakers that have been clearly worn for a long time. Most of the laces are torn off or slightly ripped.
Weapons: Normally carries around any two-handed melee weapon (Mostly swords, but also clubs, axes, etc...). He also keeps some knives on him, if ever he was to part with his weapons. When carrying a weapon with him, it is generally well sharpened (or reinforced if a club) and in good condition. With Sigmars strength, his weapons can easily dish out massive blows at enemies, almost instantly crippling them. If he cannot get any weapons, he tries to find whatever can be suitably used against his enemies at camp. If he has no weapons on him and a fight starts, he will not hesitate to use his fists to teach the enemy a lesson.
Weaknesses: Under estimates enemies. Doesn't carry much armor with him. Can easily be shot by someone carrying a firearm. Is generally short tempered.
Traumas: Fear or robots due to their unknown behavior and advanced weaponry.
EDIT: not going ti be able to do this, just found out i have a load of important things to do pretty soon, wont have much free time
Name: Gary
Age: 23
Hair: Black and short cut
Eyes: Dark brown and near-sighted
Power: Can run fast, above average intelligence, some computer skills, can sneak around like Sam Fisher, and an expert in hand to hand combat
Combat Appearance: Likes to stay away from the main battle front and pick off targets from a distance, some cases can sneak around enemies and pick them off with the pistol. As for outward appearance I wear a ghillie suit if it's in the suitable environment but if not, I would wear camo pants, camo shirt, and a military cap
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Spoiler (click to show/hide)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Passive Appearance: Quiet and tend to spend time alone, with a computer. Outward appearance, almost the same as the combat appearance minus the ghillie suit.
Weapons: An L115A3 bolt action rifle and a H&K Mk23 MOD 0 (has silencer and laser sight).
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Misc items: Various state of the Art high tech gadgets, and a picture of his family who has been separated from him
Weaknesses: Physical things (except running), a bit on the soft side and more sympathetic.
Traumas: Heights, bugs/insects, and having a normal conversation with someone since he won't know what to say
Roach :3:
Name: 'Kai'
Hair: Kinda spiky hair, it has few colors mixed together, black, brown and blonde.
Spoiler (click to show/hide) That's how it looks
Eyes: Green eyes with splashes of black
Age: Around 17
Power: 'Kai' is a master at hand to hand combat fight and melee weaponary, he's a lot more faster then any normal human being due to his leg weights, he can also walk/run/stand on walls or any other objects that normal humans can't.
Combat Appearance:A black special chest armor made out of thick leather and cloth on top of it, he also has reinforced arm guards made out of metal, he has black pants and a black t-shirt under the chest armor, he wears black special shoes, they are covered with white bandages in the middle.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Passive Appearance: Basic Grey t-shirt and black pants, basic black sport shoes.
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Two special silver colored knives, their handle is a big role in the weapon it self, since the handle can cut too.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)One black katana, the handle is a bit longer than it supposed to be giving it a bit more distance to hit.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Misc items: Special leg weights, their weight is a secret to others, a black acoustic guitar, sometimes a toothpick and at a combat situation a small medipack with bandages, alcohol, needle and a threat.
Weaknesses: He's a human and can be damaged, he feels pain and sadness, he's also lazy.
Traumas: He's afraid of loosing friends, of knowing that some one really important is dead or lost.
Guys USE ME AS A REFERENCE, and put some more effort in your applications
Remember to modify your post.
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