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Slow mouse movment on games with custom cursors...

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Shawny </3:
Ok, my computer is a bloody NASA computer.. wait no its BETTER, BUT when i run Skyrim, the cursor is really slow... its movement is on max, It does this for all games that have custom cursors.

Dead Island,
Crysis 2,

If anyone could give me advice i will give you a peanut butter cookie c:
I run ALL of those on max with AT LEAST(CAPS FAG) 100FPS(not including skyrim's max FPS of 60)

Again if you can help me id be thankful.


Windows 7 Ultimate X64


ATI Radeon 5500 HD DX11 with 1GB extra on it

Intel DUO CPU 2.40GHz

5.8 rating.

again... the aliens who invaded want there computer back...

...a duo? bottlenecking?

Im sure NASA uses 5500s
Sluggish mouse usually means cpu is wading through shit, and Im calling bullshit on 100/60 in skyrim with those specs. Perhaps if you try being semi-slightly-within-some-reason-honest, youll get more accurate help, instead of believing your pc is better than a "NASA" supercomputer

Lol at you thinking your computer is better then NASA

Also its not your computer its more then likely the games them selfs because their ported to the pc and their cursor was meant to be moved with a controller not a mouse (D.I).

Crysis 2 with Core 2 duo? lolwut


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