Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: blue-green
Interested sex: Female
Personality: I try to be respectful and attentive to people. And who does not respect me, I make things worse.
Hobby: Play organ, make programms, run with the bike, visit my friends.
Weapon: M16
Usual people you hang with(forums): Peetah, Dark Byte, Hard Gay, Juan_Ambriz, TehHank.
Gameplay Strategy: I try to help my friends, but not like when they put work just for me. I'd rather stay in my way and not to disturb others.
Sum yourself up in one sentence: Today I am nothing, but what about tomorrow? So do not judge me today for tomorrow I do not condemn you.
What do you find yourself saying the most: ?
Clothes: A military Ushanka, a T-Shitr and a sport pants.