Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Regular approval 1/31/2012 about to be 2/1/2012

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--- Quote from: TemptedGuy[☂] on February 01, 2012, 05:56:28 PM ---i wrote that to u because ure disrepectful to me and this is showing what u act like if u didnt notive ure not nice uve been a really mean person in front of my friend online this they notice and he is a vip and i will prove it if u get back i will record everytime ure on the server i wrote it still because i am telling u to change ureself cause i dont like ure behavior if ure oging to act like that

--- End quote ---
He wasn't being disrespectful, he was just being blunt.

Most people wont to get those mixed up.

Here's an example to illustrate the difference:
Blunt: Your spelling and grammar suck.
Disrespectful: I have never seen the English languages butchered so horribly in my entire life. Did you fail 1st grade?


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