Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

Regular approval 1/31/2012 about to be 2/1/2012

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In game name: ŤemptedḠuy [☂]
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:42911123
Time on: Mostly weekends
Servers: Trouble In Terrorist Town
Age: 13
Birthday: 3/9/1998
Games on Steam: Garry's Mod, Css , TF2 and more
Location: Martinez,California
Why: A few Reasons why i want to be an Regular i love this server and i want to be one of those guys who want to help report stuff and help our community by not just being a guest i want to help vote,make choices, and help our community and i would love if u guys would acknowledge that i hope u like my reason. Also i hope that you make the right choice and choose me to be a regular. I hope that u  :thumbsup: so i can join

No  :thumbsdown: at first I saw him as easily influenced by whomever was on but as time developed he's shown he's nothing but a troll and a kiss-ass he constantly karma baits, takes part in disrespecting other players with a former angel of death and obamastolemytv, the only time I have ever seen him break this trend is when a figure of authority is on, he changes, he no longer becomes a minge, no longer rdms, karma baits, mic spams, prop pushes he instead is kind and respectful though still extremely obnoxious. If more detail is needed I will provide it but for now and likely for a very long time  :thumbsdown:


Dark Pacifist:
No  :thumbsdown:

Pretty much the same reasons as Shocka stated...

Tiger Guy:
I don't know about you guys, but he's cool to me.  :thumbsup:


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