Author Topic: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons  (Read 151 times)

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Offline DrOctagonnapus

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ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« on: January 29, 2012, 09:00:37 AM »
Maps with hidden secret areas and hidden guns/cadekits give humans an unfair edge on usually unfair maps .. These should really be filtered out..

AE Inversion with cadekits/gravgun/ump
deadwood with the smg behind glass with ammo
Doom .. With deagles and magnums up inside a vent area  as well as ammo for almost every gun
(Guest) Karma Sondash: i will suck your cock Dr.Octagonapus

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2012, 09:27:56 AM »
Maps with hidden secret areas and hidden guns/cadekits give humans an unfair edge on usually unfair maps .. These should really be filtered out..

AE Inversion with cadekits/gravgun/ump
deadwood with the smg behind glass with ammo
Doom .. With deagles and magnums up inside a vent area  as well as ammo for almost every gun

Well, there are maps overpowered in favour of humans and there are maps overpowered in favour of zombies.

An example, in zs_clav_oblion i really haven't seen someone surviving more than 6 rounds in 2 years, and that was becuase we were 4 guys on the server.

If the weapons in the map makes it too unfair for humans just ask that map to be removed.

S[hes] Br[ok]en

Offline Alkaline

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2012, 11:29:41 AM »
I remember when I looked through the lua of the OLD zombie survival on,
there was a file called mapeditor.lua in the gamemodes\zombiesurvival\gamemode directory.

Here's a snippet from the code which can be used to remove a secret (I added comments // for what each line does):

Code: [Select]
concommand.Add("mapeditor_remove", function(sender, command, arguments)   //Creates a console command called "mapeditor_remove" which calls upon a function
if not sender:IsSuperAdmin() then return end    //Checks if the player who executed the command is a Super Admin

local tr = sender:TraceLine(3000)       //Gets the traced aimposition WITHIN 3000 units of the person who executed the command
if tr.Entity and tr.Entity:IsValid() then       //If the object the person is staring at is a entity then
for i, ent in ipairs(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities) do     //For all the entities in the whole map
if ent == tr.Entity then           //Checks if all entities in the above table are in the players traceline
table.remove(GAMEMODE.MapEditorEntities, i)      //Gets the table of entities within the players traceline
ent:Remove()    //Removes them
GAMEMODE:SaveMapEditorFile()     //Saves the map file (not the .bsp but a .lua)

When the map is saved, a .lua is created to execute whenever the map loads. This .lua applies all of the changes made with the mapeditor.lua .
Here is an example, zs_stormier_b1.lua from gamemodes\zombiesurvival\gamemode\maps (I added comments // once again):

Code: [Select]
hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "Adding", function()   //Hook is created, which runs constantly during the game
hook.Remove("InitPostEntity", "Adding")     //Removes the hook, as it only has to apply its changes once to delete the entities

for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("trigger_teleport")) do     //Searches the whole map for entities that are a trigger_teleport
ent:Remove()     //Removes the entities marked in the above command

How can we apply this to our Zombie Survival?
This has to be done by an administrator who has the power to add .lua files to the zombie survival server's main gamemode files.
Let's do the work for him and make the zs_<mapname>.lua for him so the work is divided between the two parties.

Let me contribute:

[@gamemodes\zombiesurvival\gamemode\maps] zs_inversion_v3.lua
Code: [Select]
hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "Adding", function()
hook.Remove("InitPostEntity", "Adding")

for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("weapon_zs_barricadekit")) do

[@gamemodes\zombiesurvival\gamemode\maps] zs_underpass_330.lua
Code: [Select]
hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "Adding", function()
hook.Remove("InitPostEntity", "Adding")

for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("weapon_zs_magnum")) do
for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("weapon_zs_shovel")) do
for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("item_ammo_crate")) do

[@gamemodes\zombiesurvival\gamemode\maps] zs_cosmiclounge_final.lua
Code: [Select]
hook.Add("InitPostEntity", "Adding", function()
hook.Remove("InitPostEntity", "Adding")

for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("weapon_zs_barricadekit")) do
for _, ent in pairs(ents.FindByClass("item_ammo_crate")) do

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2012, 11:49:45 AM »
Inversion was already removed per-request of map author, but yeah. I see your point.

As for secret areas, that would require recompiling the map with changes (unless we can create solids with lua?)

You can make push walls with lua, which would work the same way essentially.

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Offline Juan_Ambriz

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2012, 08:01:07 PM »
Many many many maps have ammo and a weapon,
Checkpoint, INversion, Doom, COsmic lounge, Feartower, Deathgarage, Deathlab, ascent, corruption, dying refinary, fort, fort snowy and more
Your asking for about half the list to be filterd out.


Offline DrOctagonnapus

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 06:03:36 AM »
Alkalines post is part of what needs to be done..

I took a look at killaz zombie survival and

Instead of ammo regenning into whatever gun your holding you get a key.
And there are ammo boxxes spread about every map
However a key is used to get ammo from the boxxes.. not 200-300 bullets or whatever but like 30-50 depending on what weapon
May be a good idea to implement..

As for the maps that currently have ammo boxxes everywhere.. It wouldnt be so hard to go in and delete these entitys? I am noticing ALOT of zombies are leaving the game after getting selected or dying.. Pistol ammo isnt such a big problem its the SMG ammo and all that jazz.

It sucks quite a bit that all the ZS maps revolve around getting ammo then spawncamping rather than running off and getting a cade up asap since you wont have a reason to camp as you dont have unlimited ammo..

My conclusion is Remove ammo boxxes and it stops spawncamping
Also, Maps with cadekits hidden on them or weapons are a bothersome thing. people fight over weapons and stuff..
AE.. Some maps where you open areas of the map by doing certain things that dont hold ammo boxxes or guns arnt all that bad. But maps like death garage is pathetic.. Granted this map is hella fun when playing on a full server/
(Guest) Karma Sondash: i will suck your cock Dr.Octagonapus

Rick :trollface:'d

Offline Juan_Ambriz

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 06:43:34 PM »
Alkalines post is part of what needs to be done..

I took a look at killaz zombie survival and

Instead of ammo regenning into whatever gun your holding you get a key.
And there are ammo boxxes spread about every map
However a key is used to get ammo from the boxxes.. not 200-300 bullets or whatever but like 30-50 depending on what weapon
May be a good idea to implement..

As for the maps that currently have ammo boxxes everywhere.. It wouldnt be so hard to go in and delete these entitys? I am noticing ALOT of zombies are leaving the game after getting selected or dying.. Pistol ammo isnt such a big problem its the SMG ammo and all that jazz.

It sucks quite a bit that all the ZS maps revolve around getting ammo then spawncamping rather than running off and getting a cade up asap since you wont have a reason to camp as you dont have unlimited ammo..

My conclusion is Remove ammo boxxes and it stops spawncamping
Also, Maps with cadekits hidden on them or weapons are a bothersome thing. people fight over weapons and stuff..
AE.. Some maps where you open areas of the map by doing certain things that dont hold ammo boxxes or guns arnt all that bad. But maps like death garage is pathetic.. Granted this map is hella fun when playing on a full server/
I don't thInk it's a good idea to implament.

And either way people will always rage quit. No matter what their will be someone who rage quits, for instance ZS Checkpoint doesn't have ammo boxes, yet people always rage quit in wave 1.

The reason why most of the people are around ammo boxes is because other don't allow people to get ammo by either standing on it or spamming.


Offline DrOctagonnapus

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Re: ZS maps with "secret" or hidden weapons
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2012, 09:39:47 PM »
as for killaz server it allows more than one person to get ammo at one time using the "ammo keys: generated every minute on the ammo box. so regardless of someone standing on the ammo box or prop blocking it as long as you can clearly target the enitity you can get ammo. this would prevent trolls like mayan standing on the box and blocking people from getting ammo provived they have a KEY to open ammo box for current weapon..

This woul also help maps out that have multiple ammo boxxes... Rather than placing X diffrent ammo crates around maps they could have X ammmo crates that dispenced ammo depending on what weapon you were currently using,,
(Guest) Karma Sondash: i will suck your cock Dr.Octagonapus

Rick :trollface:'d