I'm not really sure if this thread can be used for exacly this but, request is request. Anyways to the point.
I was playing TTT and putted out a health station.. Then TeachKidsToShutTheFuckUp or something like that came and started to hit it, I told him several times to stop it. Then he destroyted it and I shot him for destroying it as I thought he were a T, and no. He was T baiting so really I'm just asking for my karma back to 1000. Its now 700 something because of that -_-
I started recording when he hitted it but it didn't appear that he crushed it so I don't really have evidence. The only thing you see in the video is he standing there, me looking at were the health station had been and then me killing him and finding him innocent. So I don't really care to upload it
but meh,
I'm a loyal player and I don't make up things to lie, so please just take this serious. After the round was over I kept asking him " Why did you do it? " and the result was: " Someone could have taken it " ... I'm not putting a ban request on him cause I warned him but, all I want is my karma back to its normal.. picture of chat:
http://w4.no/ny8Thanks alot.
~ Mario / Martin