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I agree with Deacon 100%, They are a huge amount of players on the RND servers with the names of MLP names, very many Derpy Hooves, Very many Pinkie Pies..Fluttershy...Rainbow Dash, and much much more. I've always made up my own names myself, its just that if you use a name, that you really have thought hard to make, no one has ever used that one name, and it is unique to you.. and other players

For example if you search MetaHaze on steam, i'm the only one on entire steam with the name MetaHaze, not trying to be egotistical, or brag..just an example

. What i'm getting at, is that people will be able to find you very easily, and remember you even easier
I really dislike MLP, no offense, just felt like getting that out lol.